A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0

I was interested in how complex it might be to export work items and import them again. So I looked into this and enhanced the work item command line (WCL) to support this.

I found it quite challenging to develop this. There are a lot of things to consider, so I drove this to a point that was sufficient for my purposes. The tool is used by my team to import work items from a CSV file we receive every now and then.

I implemented another export/import mode with some more capabilities and it works in tests, but is by no means production ready. The amount of necessary tests and test automation to make this reliable, is just overwhelming. So this is not thoroughly tested.

So be careful if using these commands, and do a good amount of testing before actually using this. The problem is, there are so many possible use cases and dependencies that it is very hard to develop this kind of capability and to test it.

One special case is importing/creating links. Some links have constraints i.e. parent and especially child links. A work item can not have multiple parents. So setting child links can cause the save to fail if the new child has already a different parent.

Solution Overview

The work item command line WCL now supports two new commands

  • exportworkitems
  • importworkitems

To export work items to a CSV file and import work items from a CSV file.

I chose to use a CSV file, because RTC itself can export and import that format already. It would be ideal if export and import from XML would be supported as well, but this would require a substantial effort to abstract the export and import operations to be able to use a strategy (or some other useful pattern to support abstraction).

No Support or Maintenance

This is provided as-is with no support or guarantee. This is not a tool that is officially supported by IBM or any other organization.

Please note, that I have very little time to do this and testing is always lacking. So take the code published here with a grain of salt. On the positive side, you have the code, can debug and enhance it.


This code has been used with RTC 4.x and 5.x with no changes and it is pretty safe to assume, that the code will work with newer versions of RTC. The code requires two external libraries that need to be downloaded and installed separately.

License and Download

The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license. Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee. Enjoy!

Update: Added switch to change the export and import formats for dates, see details below. I also added a switch to suppress attribute not found errors and other frequent errors during export.

Update: Fixed duration set problem. Version updated to 3.2

You can download the latest version from this post The RTC Work Item Command Line On Bluemix. The older version 3.0 can be found here:

Please note, there might be restrictions to access Dropbox and therefore the code in your company or download location.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working. The code linked from this post contains Client API.

Setup and Usage

For the general setup follow the description in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2 and look at the additional setup steps below.

For usage follow the description in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2 and in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2.1. Check the README.txt which is included in the downloads.

Export Work Items

The export work items command has the syntax

-exportworkitems {Switch} repository=”value” user=”value” password=”value” projectArea=”value” query=”value” exportFile=”value”  [columns=value] [encoding=value] [delimiter=value] [querysource=value]

Required Parameters are

  • repository=”value” – the repository URI, for example repository=”https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm
  • user=”value” – The user ID of the user executing the command, for example user=”ralph”
  • password=”value” – the password of the user, for example password=”password”
  • projectArea=”value” –  The project area to export items from, for example projectArea=”JKE Banking (Change Management)”
  • query=”value” – the name of the query to use, for example query=”All WorkItems”
  • exportFile=”value” – The path of the export file, for example exportFile=”C:\aaTemp\Export\Test.csv”; the folder that contains the export file must exist

Optional Parameters are

  • columns=value – The names or ID’s of the work item attributes to export; example columns=”Type,Id,Planned For,Filed Against,Description,Found In”; To specify the colums it is possible to use the name or the ID of the attribute, the switch headerIDs specifies the output format to use the ID instead of the name in the output; It is possible to use the values from an RTC Eclipse client export
  • encoding=value – The encoding; default encoding=”UTF_16LE”; options see available charset names; if the encoding is chosen different for export and import, the values will not be recognizable
  • delimiter=value – The delimiter to be used between the columns. Default is comma delimiter=”,”
  • querysource=value – If the parameter is omitted the command searches a personal query with the given name; if the value is provided a query shared by the process area is searched, a complete path from the project area to the sharing process area must be provided, for example querysource=”JKE Banking(Change Management),JKE Banking(Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters”
  • timestampFormat=value – To specify the time stamp format to be used; default “MMM d, yyyy hh:mm a”;  see SimpleDateFormat for the supported pattern

Available switches are:

  • /ignoreErrors – Ignore minor errors in mapping and value lookup
  • /asrtceclipse – Export in a format compatible to the RTC CSV export and import; if the switch is not provided, the data is exported in a format that is compatible with the syntax used by the work item command line WCL to identify elements; see A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2 for the supported value representations
  • /headerIDs – Export header values as attribute IDs and not as attribute names
  • /suppressAttributeExceptions – Suppresses exceptions thrown for attributes that are not available on the work item type of for attribute types that are not yet implemented


-exportworkitems /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" exportFile="C:\aaTemp\Export\Test.csv" query="All" columns="workItemType,summary,Attachments"

Import Work Items

The import work items command has the syntax

-importworkitems{Switch} repository=”value” user=”value” password=”value” projectArea=”value” query=”value” importFile=”value”  [columns=value] [encoding=value] [delimiter=value] [querysource=value]

Required Parameters are

  • repository=”value” – the repository URI, for example repository=”https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm
  • user=”value” – The user ID of the user executing the command, for example user=”ralph”
  • password=”value” – the password of the user, for example password=”password”
  • projectArea=”value” –  The project area to export items from, for example projectArea=”JKE Banking (Change Management)”
  • importFile=”value” – The path of the import file, for example importFile=”C:\aaTemp\Export\Test.csv”

Optional Parameters are

  • mappingFile=”value” – A RTC work item import mapping file, for example mappingFile=”C:\temp\mapping.xml”; the file must be generated by RTC and customized to match the value mapping
  • encoding=value – The encoding; default encoding=”UTF_16LE”; options see available charset names; if the encoding is chosen different for export and import, the values will not be recognizable
  • delimiter=value – The delimiter to be used between the columns. Default is comma delimiter=”,”
  • timestampFormat=value – To specify the time stamp format to be used; default “MMM d, yyyy hh:mm a”;  see SimpleDateFormat for the supported pattern

Available switches are:

  • /ignoreErrors – Ignore minor errors in mapping and value lookup
  •  /importmultipass – Import the work items from the CSV file in a first iteration and build up a mapping for the ID’s provided in the import file and the actual ID’s created and recreate the work item links between the new work items based on that mapping in a second pass; the old work item ID for a work item has to be provided in a special column with header name com.ibm.js.oldid
  • /forcelinkcreation – if no target work item can be found in the map, use the given ID to create the link
  • /importdebug – Print more information during import attempts to help with finding issues
  • /enforceSizeLimits – Attributes such as description and medium strings have size limits, if this switch is set, the importer tries to clip content to avoid exceptions due to the size limits


-importworkitems  /enforceSizeLimits  /importmultipass  /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="ImportTest1" importFile=""c:\aaTemp\ExportImport\TestExportAll.csv"

RTC Eclipse Compatible Export Mode

In mode asrtceclipse, all data is exported the way RTC would export them in Eclipse. This means that certain information for example links, team areas, iterations, attachments and other data is exported in a way that makes it hard to map to data in the repository.

The import command does its best to map based on names, but for complex hierarchical information such as iterations and team areas, there is currently no search implemented that will find the object successfully. It would be possible to implement such methods, with some effort.

Example: An iteration is part of a timeline. The timeline is needed to find the iteration within. If there is no information about the timeline, it would be required to iterate all timelines with a good chance of mismatch.

The import command will try to find things by name and ID, with the limitations above.

If the work item ID attribute is provided as a column the importer will try to find the work item and update it during the import.

Default Export Mode

In the default export mode, the RTC Work Item Command line export command exports the data in greater detail, which makes it easier for the importer to identify the item.


In default mode, the attachment is exported as a file relative to the location of the generated csv file. The attachment is downloaded to a location ./attachments//. So for each exported work item with attachments, a separate folder is created. The attachments are stored in that folder and the export information in the csv file is created compatible to the WCL parameter format to allow later import of the attachments, including upload and applying the additional information.

Other Complex Items and Links

Other complex items such as iterations and team areas are also exported with a lot more details. An iteration is being exported as path, including the timeline and parent iterations. A team area is also exported as path containing the Project are name and parent team area names

Multi-Pass Import

Importing work items and recreating the link relationships between them is problematic, because while importing the work items the link target may not yet exist. To be able to import a set of work items and then recreate the linkage, it is necessary to do the import and then map the ID of the old work item to the ID of the new work item.

When using the RTC CSV importer in the Eclipse client, existing work items are provided with a # in front of the work item ID. To do an import and then recreate the links between the new work items (and not to the old ones in the import), a user would have to run the import without the links, then replace the work item ID’s in the import file by the new work item ID’s and update the work items with a second import. This is very manual and error prone.

The switch importmultipass  enables an import mode, where the WCL tries to create the links between the imported work items, rather to the old ones. It imports the work items in two passes. It creates the work items in the first pass and ignores the link creation. In the second pass it tries to create the links. For links between work items WCL tries to find the work items that were created during the import and tries to match the links to the new work items, where possible.

Note: Only links between work items are handled this way. Links to objects other than work items are recreated using the values provided in the import file.

To be able to do this, the import file has to provide the old work item ID of the work items that are imported. The import requires a special ID for the columns containing the old ID’s. The column header for this column has to be specified with com.ibm.js.oldid.

The import file below has been created using an export that included the ID of the work item in the export. The old column header for example ID of the column has been replaced by com.ibm.js.oldid. The work item links show the ID’s of the linked work items with their old ID’s.

Import Work Items With LinksThe import works as follows.

The WCL runs the first pass and imports the work items. It stores the mapping between the original work item ID from the column com.ibm.js.oldid and the ID of the newly created work item in a map. Links are not created in this pass.

In the second pass WCL reads the import file again and only handles the columns that represent links. It detects if the link target represents a work item. If not, it tries to recreate the link as it is. If the link is a work item link, WCL tries to calculate if a new work item was created for the target using the map. If the work item was imported and a new ID is available, the new work item ID is used to create the link.

If the ID of the link target can not be found in the mapping, WCL can either ignore the link or it can try to create the link to the original work item. WCL supports these two modes. By default, the link is not created. If the switch forcelinkcreation is specified, the original value of the target work item ID is used as target for the link, if no mapping to a newly imported item was found.

Creating links is not trivial. One special case is importing/creating links. Some links have constraints i.e. parent and especially child links. A work item can not have multiple parents. So setting child links can cause the save to fail if the new child has already a different parent. This can create issues in import scenarios, especially if an export from the same repository is imported and the import causes child links to be created that have already another parent. In this case the import will fail with an error.


Approvals and comments are imported into one comment. The effort to recreate approvals is just too big and I can’t see the added value.

Special Notes On Setup

For the general setup follow the description in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2 and look at the additional setup steps below.

The export and the import commands of WCL need two libraries that are not shipped the downloads.

If you use the packaged WCL and want to use the export/import capability follow the steps below to add the required libraries to the folder lib in the folder lib in the WCL folder.

If you use the Eclipse project for WCL and want to use the export/import capability follow the steps below to add the required libraries to the folder lib in the Eclipse project com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.

The export and the import commands of WCL use the Open CSV Library. I had issues with the newer versions of Open CSV that I could not resolve, so this code assumes the version 2.3. Download the version 2.3 from here. Uncompress and untar the the file opencsv-2.3-src-with-libs.tar.gz you downloaded. Look for the folder opencsv-2.3\deploy\ copy the JAR file opencsv-2.3.jar and put it into the lib folder of your version of WCL.

The import commands of WCL can only provide the capability to use a mapping file by using a JAR file that only ships with the RTC Eclipse client and the SDK. The classes used for the mapping file capability are located in the library com.ibm.team.workitem.rcp.core.  Open the Install location of the RTC Eclipse client and search for com.ibm.team.workitem.rcp.core*. You should find a file names similar to this one: com.ibm.team.workitem.rcp.core_3.1.900.v20141010_0124.jar. The version numbers at the end could be different. Copy the JAR file into the into the lib folder of your version of WCL.

The packaged version should look like below.

Deployed Packaged WCLIf you have imported the Eclipse project for WCL open Configure Build Path and create a user library named openCSV and add the Open CSV library opencsv-2.3.jar. Create a user library named rtcmapping and add the com.ibm.team.workitem.rcp.core library you just copied to it.

Your Eclipse Project should now look like below.

Eclipse Project and LibrariesCode Changes

During the work on import and export, the code structure was left untouched. Some classes were added to be able to handle the column header and some additional mapping of id’s and names i.e. for link types. In addition some of the code that was piling up in the WorkItemUpdateHelper (formerly known as WorkItemHelper) was moved to utility classes. this makes it also easier to look for useful API in case you are interested in how things work in the RTC API. See the scree shot below.

Code StuctureSummary

This WorkItem Command Line should allow for most of the automation needs when creating work items. In addition it is a nice resource for the RTC work Item API.

As always, I hope the post is an inspiration and helps someone out there to save some time. If you are just starting to explore extending RTC, please have a look at the hints in the other posts in this blog on how to get started.

Creating Plans With the Plain Java Client API

Recently a customer approached me with the question how to automate creating plans. The customer had tried to get this done and got stuck. I was pretty convinced I had never tried this. However, I looked into the automation examples I had created over the years and was quite surprised to find an example I created some years back.

As always I thought it might be a good idea to share the code with the community.

Why is this interesting?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automate the process of managing timelines as much as possible?

I imagine having some code that:

  • Adds releases and iterations to timelines
    • Automatically setting start and end dates
    • Create ID’s, iteration types and names as expected in a naming convention
  • Creates all the standard plans you need to a new iteration for
    • The project area
    • Each team area
    • Name the plans as expected in a naming convention
  • Extends iterations (if you have to) and aligns the start and end dates of the iterations that come after

I think that would very beneficial and save a lot of time. Ultimately I’d like to have an example. Even bits and pieces could be interesting e.g. creating plans that are missing automatically.

I recently had to manually do this for 12 plans and it was no fun.


Please be aware that the code below uses classes that are not shipped in the plain java client libraries. They are part of the client SDK.

The dependencies

import com.ibm.team.apt.common.IIterationPlanRecord;
import com.ibm.team.apt.internal.common.rcp.IIterationPlanService;
import com.ibm.team.apt.internal.common.rcp.dto.DTO_IterationPlanSaveResult;
import com.ibm.team.apt.internal.common.wiki.IWikiPage;

require the library com.ibm.team.apt.common  from the SDK. You can either copy it from the SDK and add it to the classpath or you add the SDK to your classpath.

Please also note that beginning with RTC 6.x the Eclipse client does no longer support browsing plans. So it is unclear if some of the SDK classes mentioned above would be removed from the RTC Client SDK over time.

Please note that the classes in com.ibm.js.team.api.workitem.common.utils are not shown in the code below, but they are part of the download.

Warning License, Further Reading

The code in this post is client API.

This blog post uses internal API which can be changed at any time.

Warning, some of the code uses internal API that might change in the future. If the Internal API changes, the code published here will no longer work.

The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license. Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee. Enjoy!

As always, please note, If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start reading this and the linked posts to get some guidance on how to set up your environment. Then I would suggest to read the article Extending Rational Team Concert 3.x and follow the Rational Team Concert 4.0 Extensions Workshop at least through the setup and Lab 1. This provides you with a development environment and with a lot of example code and information that is essential to get started. You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own extension working.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the code attached to this post in the development environment you set up in the Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop and get your own extensions or automation working there as well.

Download the Code

The code can be downloaded from DropBox here. Please note, there might be restrictions to access DropBox and the code in your company or download location.

How The Code Works

As always lets look at how the code works a bit to understand it and be able to reuse it.

The code is, as most of my code examples based on the code that comes with the snippets in the Plain Java Libraries and the code from examples on Jazz.net.

The code comes in two Eclipse projects. Both are Plug In Development projects, because that allows me to use the Eclipse PDE to see, search and debug with the existing RTC SDK as described in Setting up Rational Team Concert for API Development and Understanding and Using the RTC Java Client API. It can later be run like any other java class.

It is two projects, because the are several helper classes, that I reuse across other examples and I get tired copying the classes around. You can move them into your project if you like. I will take them under SCM and re-use them across solutions in the future, enhancing them over time as well.

The main class is the usual structure that connects to the TeamPlatform and passes the parameters to the method run().

CreatePlan requires the following parameters:

CreatePlan [repositoryURI] [userId] [password] [planName] [planTypeID] [ownigProcessAreaName] [planIterationName]

It needs a repository URI, a user ID and password to log in and do anything. The user must have the required permissions to perform the operation.

The minimal information needed to configure a plan is:


  • A name for the plan.
  • The Plan Type ID
  • The project or team area that is going to be the owner of the plan
  • The iteration that is set for the plan.

An Example:

CreatePlan https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm/ ralph ralph "Ralph's Plan" "com.ibm.team.apt.plantype.crossProject" "JKE Banking (Change Management)/Energy Efficiency Matters" "Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3"

The plan type ID can be found in the process configuration:

PlanIDsThe owning process area name is constructed as path created from the area names beginning with the Project area down to the nested process area we are interested in, separated by ‘/’. If the plan is owned by the project area take only that name. Use ” if the names have spaces.


“JKE Banking (Change Management)/Energy Efficiency Matters”

From the Team Organization:

PlanConfigurationTeamOrganizationThe iteration path is constructed from the name of the timeline and the parent iterations down to the iteration we are interested in, separated by ‘/’. Use ” if the names have spaces. You can also use the iteration ID’s with the same structure.

For example:

“Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3”

From the Team Artifacts view:


The method run() gets the string representation of the required parameters. It tries to connect to the RTC server. Then it tries to find the owning process area using a small utility. It then tries to find the plan iteration.

If it can find those, it calls a method that performs the plan creation.

private static boolean run(String[] args) throws TeamRepositoryException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

	if (args.length != 7) {
				.println("Usage: CreatePlan [repositoryURI] [userId] [password] [planName] [planTypeID] [ownigProcessAreaName] [planIterationName]");
		return false;

	String repositoryURI = args[0];
	String userId = args[1];
	String password = args[2];
	String planName = args[3];
	String planTypeID = args[4];
	String ownigProcessAreaName = args[5];
	String planIterationName = args[6];
	IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
	ITeamRepository teamRepository = TeamPlatform
	teamRepository.registerLoginHandler(new LoginHandler(userId, password));

	System.out.println("Logged in as: "
			+ teamRepository.loggedInContributor().getName());

	IProcessClientService processClient = (IProcessClientService) teamRepository

	// Find the project or team area that is going to be the owner of the plan
	IProcessArea ownigProcessArea = ProcessAreaUtil.findProcessArea(ownigProcessAreaName, processClient, monitor);
	if (ownigProcessArea == null) {
		System.out.println("Process area " + ownigProcessAreaName + " not found.");
		return false;
	// Find the plan iteration in the development line 
	List path = Arrays.asList(planIterationName.split("/"));
	DevelopmentLineHelper deveLineHelper= new DevelopmentLineHelper(teamRepository, monitor);
	IIteration planIteration = deveLineHelper.findIteration(ownigProcessArea.getProjectArea(), path, DevelopmentLineHelper.BYLABEL); 
	if (planIteration == null) {
		System.out.println("Iteration " + planIterationName + " not found.");
		return false;
	// If we have everything, create the paln
	createPlan(ownigProcessArea, planIteration, planName, planTypeID, teamRepository.loggedInContributor(), monitor);

	return true;

The plan is created using the method createPlan(). This method creates all the pieces needed for the plan. It uses internal API pretty much everywhere. It has to, the plan API is not supported and not made consumable. You have to be aware that internal API can change without notice and even without documentation how to replace the old approach.

On the other hand, the internal API is also used in various places and it is likely to be needed in the future.

The method gets all the required services. Then it creates the new Plan item and gets the IIterationPlanRecord that represents it.

The next step is to set all the values for the plan configuration, name, owner, iteration and plan type ID.

It is not apparent, but the plan needs also a wiki page to be able to save it. This wiki page is created next.

Finally the plan is saved. If this succeeded, the new plan item interface is returned.

The code looks like below. Please note the internal API.

 * WARNING, this method uses INTERNAL API
 * Creates a plan based on the process area that the plan is to be set in the 
 * Owner configuration element (can not be null),
 * the iteration that is set as root iteration of the plan configuration element
 * (can not be null), name and plan type Id. The creator user can not be null.
 * @param planOwner - the process area that owns that plan, can not be null
 * @param planIteration - the root iteration the plan selects, can not be null
 * @param planName - the name the plan will show have
 * @param planTypeID - the ID of the plan type from the plan process administration
 * @param creator - the user that will be set as creator of the plan
 * @param monitor - the progress monitor, can be null
 * @return The IIterationPlanRecord if the plan was created successfull or null
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
 * @throws TeamRepositoryException
public static IIterationPlanRecord createPlan(IProcessArea planOwner, IIteration planIteration,
		String planName, String planTypeID, IContributor creator, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws UnsupportedEncodingException, TeamRepositoryException {

	// Get the Team Repository
	ITeamRepository teamRepository = (ITeamRepository) planOwner.getOrigin();
	// get classes for plan creation
	IAuditableCommon auditableCommon = (IAuditableCommon) teamRepository
	// The IIterationPlanService - this is an internal API class
	IIterationPlanService planService = (IIterationPlanService) ((IClientLibraryContext) teamRepository).getServiceInterface(IIterationPlanService.class);

	// create necessary plan items
	// The IIterationPlanRecord 
	IIterationPlanRecord plan = (IIterationPlanRecord) IIterationPlanRecord.ITEM_TYPE

	// setup plan values

	// The IWikiPage - this is an internal API class
	IWikiPage wiki = (IWikiPage) IWikiPage.ITEM_TYPE.createItem();

	// setup wiki page
	String encoding = "UTF8";
	String xmlText = "";
	byte[] bytes = xmlText.getBytes(encoding);
	InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

	// The IWikiPage methods - these methods are all internal API
			encoding, inputStream, bytes.length, monitor));

	// save plan
	// The these classes and methods are all internal API
	DTO_IterationPlanSaveResult saveResult = planService.save(planOwner,
			plan, wiki);
	// check if the save was successful
	if (saveResult.isSetIterationPlanRecord() == false) {
		System.out.println("Saving failed!");
		return null;
	return plan;


The example above shows how you can automate creation of plans. With some more code to create and maintain timelines, this can make RTC project administration a lot easier and remove repetitive tasks from your plate.

As always I hope this helps someone out there to get their job done more efficient.

A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2.2

Creating links is not easy. Many things can go wrong.  Testing by a user showed that there was an issue with links between work items and build results. I found that I got the link direction wrong. I fixed that. Here is the updated source code.

Latest Version

See A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0 for the latest version.

Related posts


The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license.

Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee.

On the other hand, you have the code and are able to add your own code to it. It would be nice to know what you did and how, if you do so.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the code attached to this post in the development environment you set up in the Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop and get your own extensions or automation working there as well.


You can download the latest version here:

Setup and Usage

Follow the description in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2 and in A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2.1. Check the README.txt which is included in the downloads.

The WorkItem Command Line Explained

This post explains how the WorkItem Command Line works. It explains its structure and the main classes. This should allow users to extend the capabilities the code and add new commands or extend the current commands.

Please note, as this is work in progress, things might change slightly in future versions, however the general structure should persist.

Latest Version

See A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0 for the latest version.

Related posts


The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license.

Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee.

On the other hand, you have the code and are able to add your own code to it. It would be nice to know what you did and how, if you do so.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the code attached to this post in the development environment you set up in the Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop and get your own extensions or automation working there as well.

Importing The Project

Download the code from the post A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2. The file with the source code is named WorkItemCommandLine_Project-Vx-YYYYMMDD.zip. The x represents the version number and is followed by the date it was created. The file is an exported Eclipse project.

The project expects the Eclipse workspace to be set up as described in the posts Setting up Rational Team Concert for API Development. It requires the SDK to be set up as well as the Plain Java Client Libraries. The SDK is needed, because the project is a Plugin Project. this is done to be able to use the Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE) to look at the API source code. The Plain Java Client Libraries are needed to run the code a Java application.

Use the Eclipse import File>Import. In the wizard window select “Existing Projects into Workspace” in the section General. Click Next and chose the option “Select archive file”, browse to the file you downloaded and select it. Make sure you see the project com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline selected and press Finish to start the import.

After the import you should see the project in your workspace. You should see no errors in the project. If you see errors, the most likely reasons for that are:

  1. The SDK is not set up correctly and the classes can not be resolved
  2. The SDK version is prior to RTC 4.0.1
  3. The Plain Java Client Libraries are not installed or the User Library has a different name

The first two will show in the plugin.xml and the manifest file. Setup the SDK correctly, or change the minimal versions needed in the dependencies.

The third will show as an error in the the build path. Define a user library named PlainJavaApi as explained in  Setting up Rational Team Concert for API Development or remove the existing user library entry and add you own. Make sure the dependency order of SDK and user library are correct as explained in  Understanding and Using the RTC Java Client API.

In case you have other errors you should search the internet for a solution.

Explore the Project

You can now explore the project. The folder structure is shown below.

WCL Project Overview

There are the following files and folders

  • src – contains the source code files.
  • build – contains a jardesc file to build a jar file for packaging
  • Launches – contains launch files used for testing
  • License – contains the license files
  • scripts – contains the script files used to start WCL, as well as a file with help information
  • the root contains a readme file, explaining how to build a releasable version of WCL, scripts used to start WCL in the development setup and a test file for upload attachment tests.

The Source Files

The image below shows the structure of the source code.

Source StructureThe package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline contains the class WirkitemCommandLine, which has the main method to call WCL. The class OperationResult is used to pass result information. This is necessary, since the code could run in RMI mode and the output needs to be transferred to the RMI client. This class needs to support serializing in order to pass the result back. IWorkItemCommandLineConstants contains various constants used by WCL.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.commands contains the classes that implement the currently available commands. CreateWorkItemCommand creates a work item of a specific type in a specific project area and sets the attributes as provided. PrintTypeAttributesCommand prints the attributes of a specific work item type in a specific project area. UpdateWorkItemCommand finds a work item and updates its attribute values.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.framework contains a basic framework that is used by commands that are implemented in WCL. The main class requires the interface IWorkItemCommand to run the command. I ended up using this kind of framework, because all commands required some kind of parameters. The command should be able to define the parameters needed. The commands also require to do error handling. To interact with the RTC repository commands also need to login. The framework handles all the common activities and allows to create new commands without having to redevelop all this.

The class AbstractCommand implements the interface IWorkItemCommand and leaves some methods abstract that extending classes need to implement.

The class AbstractTeamRepositoryCommand adds a login to the team repository and the class AbstractWorkItemModificationCommand adds a WorkItemOperation to perform the changes to the work item. WorkItemCommandLineException is the exception class that is used to wrap other exceptions and thrown in case of unrecoverable errors.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.helper contains helper classes. The class DevelopmentLineHelper is from another blog post Handling Iterations – Automation for the “Planned For” Attribute. It allows to find development lines and iterations on a development line. WorkItemHelper implements modifying work item attribute modification. Most of the RTC API related code is in there. WorkItemTypeHelper helps with printing the attribute information for a work item type.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.parameter contains classes that implement all the parameter handling needed. The class Parameter is used to describe a parameter, if it is required, if it was already consumed, if it is a switch and the like. ParameterIDMapper defines a list of aliases that can be used instead of an attribute ID. You can add your own aliases that can be used for convenience. ParameterList represents a list of parameters. The class ParameterManager manages a parameter list and provides the central access to the parameters. The class ParameterParser is used to parse the parameters passed from outside and store them in a parameter list.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.remote contains the remote interface IRemoteWorkItemOperationCall that is used in RMI mode.

The package com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.utils contains some utility classes (providing static methods as interfaces). The class ProcessAreaUtil allows to search process areas. The class SimpleDateFormatUtil helps with conversion of timstamps from and to a string representation.

 How The Code Works

The main method of the WorkitemCommandLine basically instantiates the class and then calls the method run(). We will look at that method later.

 * The main entry point into the work item commandline
 * @param args
 *            - the arguments to be used by the commandline
 * @throws RemoteException
public static void main(String[] args) {

	OperationResult result = new OperationResult();
	System.out.println("WorkItemCommandLine Version "
			+ IWorkItemCommandLineConstants.VERSIONINFO + "\n");
	WorkitemCommandLine commandline;
	try {
		commandline = new WorkitemCommandLine();
		result = commandline.run(args);
	} catch (RemoteException e) {
		result.appendResultString("RemoteException: " + e.getMessage());
	if (TeamPlatform.isStarted()) {
	if (!isServer()) {
		// If I am not in server mode, I need to exit and return success or
		// failure
		if (result.isSuccess()) {
			// If the operation was unsuccessful, terminate with an error

The operation run() will return a result if it terminates. The information in this result is used to create the exit code to terminate the call.

In case this WCL is started as RMI server, the process can not terminate with System.exit(). It needs to persist registered to the RMI registry. The static method isServer() is used to communicate this information.

The method run() parses the parameters passed. It then checks if it is supposed to run as RMI server or as RMI client. If that is the case it starts the RMI server mode or, uses RMI to call the server as client. If this is a normal run, it calls runCommands() with the parameters that have been parsed.

If started as RMI server, the method startRMIServer() is used to initialize RMI and to register the class to the registry. The method runOperation() is basically the interface that is used to run the command on the server and is called by RMI clients. The method runOperation() parses the parameters and calls runCommands() as well.

The method runCommands() really executes the command requested in the parameters.  The first steps it does is to initialize the data it needs. Then it runs addSupportedCommands() to add the commands that are available.

 * Add the supported commands. If introducing a new command, add it here.
 * @param parameterManager
private void addSupportedCommands(ParameterManager parameterManager) {
	addSupportedCommand(new PrintTypeAttributesCommand(
			new ParameterManager(parameterManager.getArguments())));
	addSupportedCommand(new CreateWorkItemCommand(new ParameterManager(
	addSupportedCommand(new UpdateWorkItemCommand(new ParameterManager(

Now the method runCommands() gets the command from the Parameter Manager. If there is a command string, it gets the class that implements the command. If there is a command registered for this command string, runCommand() calls the command to validate if the required parameters for it to run are available. If this is the case, runCommand() calls the command and returns the result back.

In all other cases runCommand() prepares a result error and also uses the method helpGeneralUsage() to print a help for the command.

Adding Commands to the WorkItemCommandLine

It is easy to add new commands to the WorkitemCommandLine. You need to implement a new command and add a new entry for it in the method addSupportedCommands().

How Commands Work

Commands have to implement the IWorkItemCommand interface. You should pick one of the abstract classes in the framework and extend them. This makes sure the basic workflow will work. If you command needs to create or modify a work item based on property values, use the class AbstractWorkItemModificationCommand. If you only need to have a repository connection, use the class AbstractTeamRepositoryCommand. In both cases all you need to do really is to override and implement the methods required. There are three things that need to be there.

In the method getCommandName() you need to return the name of the command you implement.

public String getCommandName() {
	return IWorkItemCommandLineConstants.COMMAND_CREATE;

If your command needs additional parameters, override the method setRequiredParameters(). Call the method of the superclass to have it add its required parameters and add your parameters. Here is an example

 * (non-Javadoc)
 * @see com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.framework.
 * AbstractWorkItemCommandLineCommand#setRequiredParameters()
public void setRequiredParameters() {
	// Add the parameters required to perform the operation
	// getParameterManager().syntaxCommand()

Parameters added with syntaxAddRequiredParameter() will be assumed to be required. If they are not available the command line will show an error during the parameter validation. The error message is automatically created from the parameter information provided here.

Finally you have to override and implement the method process() to implement the command.

 * (non-Javadoc)
 * @see com.ibm.js.team.workitem.commandline.framework.
 * AbstractWorkItemCommandLineCommand#process()
public OperationResult process() throws TeamRepositoryException {
	// Get the parameters such as project area name and Attribute Type and
	// run the operation
	String projectAreaName = getParameterManager()
	// Find the project area
	IProjectArea projectArea = ProcessAreaUtil.findProjectArea(
			projectAreaName, getProcessClientService(), getMonitor());
	if (projectArea == null) {
		throw new WorkItemCommandLineException("Project Area not found: "
				+ projectAreaName);

	String workItemTypeID = getParameterManager().consumeParameter(
	// Find the work item type
	IWorkItemType workItemType = WorkItemHelper.findWorkItemType(
			workItemTypeID, projectArea.getProjectArea(),
			getWorkItemCommon(), getMonitor());
	// Create the work item
	return this.getResult();

To complete the code of this command, here is the method that creates the work item and uses the parameters to update the attributes.

 * Create the work item and set the required attribute values.
 * @param workItemType
 * @return
 * @throws TeamRepositoryException
private boolean createWorkItem(IWorkItemType workItemType)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {

	ModifyWorkItem operation = new ModifyWorkItem("Creating Work Item");
	IWorkItemHandle handle;
	try {
		handle = operation.run(workItemType, getMonitor());
	} catch (TeamOperationCanceledException e) {
		throw new WorkItemCommandLineException("Work item not created. "
				+ e.getMessage(), e);
	if (handle == null) {
		throw new WorkItemCommandLineException(
				"Work item not created, cause unknown.");
	} else {
		IWorkItem workItem = getAuditableCommon().resolveAuditable(handle,
				IWorkItem.SMALL_PROFILE, getMonitor());
		this.appendResultString("Created work item " + workItem.getId()
				+ ".");
	return true;

In case you wonder where the actual work gets done – I wondered looking at it. The line

handle = operation.run(workItemType, getMonitor());

does all the work. By calling it this way, the WorkItemOperation creates the work item. The operation is based upon the code in the class AbstractWorkItemModificationCommand.

In that class, the execute() method is overwritten with this code:

 * This is run by the framework
 * (non-Javadoc)
 * @see
 * com.ibm.team.workitem.client.WorkItemOperation#execute(com.ibm.team
 * .workitem.client.WorkItemWorkingCopy,
 * org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
protected void execute(WorkItemWorkingCopy workingCopy,
		IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamRepositoryException,
		RuntimeException {
	// run the special method in the execute.
	// This is called by the framework.

The call to the method update() does the real work. It walks through all the unconsumed parameters in the parameter list – which should contain the attributes and values to be set and applies the changes to the work item.

 * This operation does the main task of updating the work item
 * @param workingCopy
 *            the workingcopy of the workitem to be updated.
 * @throws RuntimeException
 * @throws TeamRepositoryException
public void update(WorkItemWorkingCopy workingCopy)
		throws RuntimeException, TeamRepositoryException {

	ParameterList arguments = getParameterManager().getArguments();

	// We use a WorkItemHelper to do the real work
	WorkItemHelper workItemHelper = new WorkItemHelper(workingCopy,
			arguments, getMonitor());

	// Run through all properties not yet consumed and try to set the values
	// as provide
	for (Parameter parameter : arguments) {
		if (!(parameter.isConsumed() || parameter.isSwitch() || parameter
				.isCommand())) {
			// Get the property ID
			String propertyName = parameter.getName();
			// Get the property value
			String propertyValue = parameter.getValue();
			try {
				workItemHelper.updateProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
			} catch (WorkItemCommandLineException e) {
				if (this.isIgnoreErrors()) {
					this.appendResultString("Exception! " + e.getMessage());
					this.appendResultString("Ignored....... ");
				} else {
					throw e;
			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
				this.appendResultString("Runtime Exception: Property "
						+ propertyName + " Value " + propertyValue + " \n"
						+ e.getMessage());
				throw e;
			} catch (IOException e) {
				this.appendResultString("IO Exception: Property "
						+ propertyName + " Value " + propertyValue + " \n"
						+ e.getMessage());
				throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

The Class WorkItemHelper

This class is basically doing all the work related to modifying work item data. The helper needs to be instantiated. Then the method updateProperty() can be called.

public void updateProperty(String propertyID, String value)
		throws TeamRepositoryException, WorkItemCommandLineException,
		IOException {

The method checks if the attribute is one of the special ones like the type, or complex attributes such as workflow or state changes, approvals or other pseudo attribute ID’s and handles these if detected. Otherwise it calls the method updateGeneralAttribute() to handle the update.

private void updateGeneralAttribute(ParameterValue parameter,
		List exceptions) throws TeamRepositoryException,
		WorkItemCommandLineException {

The method updateGeneralAttribute() checks if this attribute is actually available on the work item. If so it calls getRepresentation() to get a value that can be set for the attribute.

private Object getRepresentation(ParameterValue parameter,
		List exceptions) throws TeamRepositoryException,
		WorkItemCommandLineException {

The method getRepresentation() basically is a huge list of checks to narrow down what type the attribute to modify is. If the type is narrowed down, it calls a related methods to parse the input data and to create a value for the attribute, that can be returned and set.


This post explains how the code works and how you can utilize it to implement your own commands. As always, I hope that helps someone out there.

While creating this post, I realized, that I should have named some of the classes differently. This framework is not only good for a work item command line. This code could be used for any command line. Maybe I will adjust this a bit in later versions, should time permit.

A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 2

After publishing the first version of the RTC WorkItem Command Line  I realized several things that users might want to do that were not supported. So I updated the version to 2.0 and added these capabilities. I also found an issue with setting string lists, which is also now fixed.

This post, like the previous, provides a simple Work Item Command Line Client and explains the usage. It comes with code, so you can also enhance it if you need more features.

Latest Version

See A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0 for the latest version.

What’s new?

This version of the RTC WorkItem Command Line is complete as far as I am concerned.

  • It still supports work item creation and update.
  • It now supports all attribute types and the link types that I think can be supported. The missing Item types are now supported.
  • It now supports several modes to modify the work item properties such as set the value, add to the available value or remove data.
  • It supports a RMI server mode to enhance performance if multiple calls are needed
  • It supports the RMI client mode to delegate requests to the RMI server portion.

Related posts

WorkItemCommandLine Summary

The WorkItemCommandLine – in short WCL – works on Windows and Unix clients. It requires a JDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries to be installed. Please note, I had issues running the Plain Java Client Libraries with just a JRE. You can try to use a JRE, if you like.

It currently allows to

  • Create work items
  • Update work items
  • Show the attributes ID’s available for a work item type in a project area

The WCL allows to set and update all available attribute types (I am aware of) in RTC 4.x up to 5.0.2.

  • String based attributes
  • Number based attributes
  • Enumeration and Enumeration List based attributes
  • Tag based attributes
  • Typed and untyped Item type attributes
  • Typed and untyped ItemList type attributes
  • ……

This works for built in attributes as well as for custom attributes.

In addition to these attribute types various not attribute based work item values can be modified:

  • Subscription
  • Comments
  • Approvals
  • Links to work items
  • CLM links to work items
  • CLM links to Requirements Management and Test artifacts and to SCM change sets
  • Links from build results
  • Attachments can be uploaded
  • Trigger a workflow action

This should be sufficient for most of the automation needs, especially during builds.

The WCL supports the following operations modes on work item attributes:

  • set – set the value of the attribute, overwriting or deleting existing information
  • add – add values or data to the attribute
  • remove – delete values or data from the attribute
  • default – dependent on the type of the attribute set the value or add values

The WCL supports RMI where the WCL runs as a RMI server and WCL can delegate calls to that server to have them processed. This only requires starting the team platform once and saves several seconds in subsequent calls.


The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license.

Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee.

On the other hand, you have the code and are able to add your own code to it. It would be nice to know what you did and how, if you do so.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working.


You can download the latest version here:


Download the packaged executable application. The file is compressed and will be named like wcl-Vx-YYYYMMDD.zip. The x represents the version number and is followed by the date it was created.

If you have installed an RTC API development environment following the RTC Extensions workshop and this post, you have all else that is needed and can use  the installs folder of your extension development install, for example C:\RTC401Dev\installs.

Extract the file e.g. using 7Zip to a folder, for example C:\RTCWCL (or C:\RTC401Dev\installs).

The destination folder should now contain a folder wcl.

If you don’t have an extension development environment set up, download and install the Plain Java Client Libraries for your version of RTC. Open the All Downloads tab of the RTC version you are interested in. For example https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/4.0.1?p=allDownloads and scroll down to the Plain .zip Files section.

PlainJavaDownloadDownload the Plain Java Client Libraries file.

Use 7Zip and unzip the Plain Java client Libraries download file (for example named RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-4.0.1.zip). Use 7Zips Extract Files command and provide the extraction Path C:\RTCWCL\PlainJavaAPI .

If you don’t have an extension development environment set up, download and install a Java JDK. If you have the Rational Team Concert client installed a compatible JDK is available in the install location e.g. TeamConcert\jazz\client\eclipse\jdk. The easiest way is to download the zip version of the Rational Team concert Client and extracting it to C:\RTCWCL\TeamConcert.

The folder should now look similar to this image.

Install Folder

Adjusting the Scripts to the Environment

If you downloaded a different JDK or have the RTC Eclipse client installed in a different location, follow the next steps to adjust the WCL to the different paths.

Open the folder created when extracting the WCL for example C:\RTCWCL\wcl. The folder contains the script files

  • wcl.bat – for Windows clients
  • wcl.sh – for client with Unix/*ux operating systems such as Linux
  • rmi_no.policy – a RMI policy file
  • README.txt – the online help printed in a file

Open the files relevant for your operating system. They should look similar to this:


The scripts assume an install structure where the JDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries are installed like in the image before. If your setup uses different paths, adjust then according to your setup. The scripts for usage with RMI only add a statement to the rmi_no.policy file.

On Unix operating systems chmod the shell scripts so that they are executable and the RMI policy is readable.

You should now be able to run the WorkItemCommandLine.

In order to allow RMI to work, WCL requires a policy file. Modify the file rmi_no.policy to your requirements and make sure it is in the same wcl folder on the server and the client. Make sure the policy file it is readable for the user that runs WCL.

Test the Environment

Open a shell or cmd window. change the directory to where you extracted WCL for example C:\RTCWCL\wcl. Type wcl and run the WorkItemCommandLine. The command should be executed and print help content like below.

Start WCLIf this does not happen, make sure the paths are set correctly and the JDK is compatible.

Please note, because the version 2.0 supports so much more, the help is very long and the windows shell can cut it off. To avoid this, you can

  1. Redirect the output into a file for example by typing wcl>wcl_help.txt
  2. Change the console setting to increase the size and buffer using mode con: lines=1100 cols=150

The README.txt is provided as help for convenience.

The Syntax of WCL

WCL uses the following syntax:

wcl – {/} {[:]=}

Where , at this time, can be

  • create
  • update
  • printtypeattributes

The commands have their own requirements for base parameters such as repository URL, users, password and the like.


WCL provides several switches that influence the behavior. Some switches are command specific, others are general. Available values for are:

  • ignoreErrors allows to successfully perform the create and update command if minor errors happen. Errors covered are for example if an optional attribute or its value was not found. If the flag is provided, WCL will continue to perform the next operations and print the error. If the flag is not provided any error will cause the operation to fail.
  • enableDeleteAttachment enables deletion of attachments using the set or the remove mode.
  • enableDeleteApprovals enables deletion of approvals using the set or the remove mode.
  • rmiServer is used to start the RMI server, see the RMI section below.
  • rmiClient is used to run the Workitem Command Line  against a RMI server instead of processing the command itself. See the RMI section below


Values for are usually the ID of a work item attribute. The WCL defines various pseudo attribute names, typically prefixed with an @ e.g. to create links and upload files as attachment. The reason for the prefix is that RTC does not allow to start attribute ID’s with special characters and this makes it impossible to define custom attributes with conflicting names.

The parameter sections = must not have spaces in the or in the or before or after the =. The value of , or the whole term can be enclosed in quotation marks “.

Parameter and value example:

projectArea=”JKE Banking (Change Management)”

Each parameter can only be used once in the command line. In some cases like attachment uploads a special section needs to be added in the parameter to allow for multiple specifications in one call.

Multiple parameter example, ‘_2’ is used to make the second parameter unique:

@attachFile:add="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8" @attachFile_2:add="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8"

The WCL also has an alias mechanism built in, that allows to map different external names for attributes to the internal representation. Currently the names of the AttributeCustomization described here are built in. This allows, for example, to use FOUND_IN=”Sprint 2 Development” instead of foundIn=”Sprint 2 Development”. You can add your own aliases if needed.


The s are specified by a string. Parameter values are usually the display value of elements (enumerations) or composed of display values of the path to this item (category, iterations, process areas). For example setting an enumeration attribute would use the display name “High”, instead of the literal ID. This makes it easier to use. In some cases e.g. for links, subscriber lists and other user lists, it is necessary to specify the ID of the element instead of the display name.

Value examples

  • For enumeration based attributes use the display value for the enumeration literal:


  • For HTML and string based attributes use a string. HTML types like summary, description, comment and HTML support the syntax below:

    description=”Plain text

    bold text

    italic text

    External RSJazz Link

    User link to @ralph

    Work Item link to Defect 3

  • For Wiki and multi line text attributes use

    or \n for line breaks and check the syntax in the wiki editor. The full description for the Wiki Syntax can be found here. Example for a Wiki entry:


    =Heading1Plain text\n==Heading 2\n\nNormal Text **bold text**

    **bold text**


  • For work item type, owner and some other attributes use the object ID:



  • Use the display name for simple attributes or the path composed out of the display names for hierarchical attributes;


    foundIn=”Sprint 2 Development”

    target=”Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3″

    custom.process.area=”JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering”

  • Dates have to be specified in the Java SimpleDateFormat notation:

    dueDate=”2015/02/01 12:30:00 GMT+01:00″

  • Duration values are specified in milliseconds:

    duration=1800000 correctedEstimate=3600000 timeSpent=60000Since version 3.2 the value can also be specified in hours and minutes

    timeSpent=“3 hours 3 minutes” or timeSpent=“3 hours” or timeSpent=“3 minutes”


Work item attribute values of List with a specified item type such as userList. Use the separator  ‘,‘ like in “value1,value2,…,valueN” to separate values.

Example user list: custom.user.list:add=”deb,al,bob,tanuj”

Work item attributes with an general attribute value type such as Item or itemList require encoding to locate the items. The format is: custom.item.list=value

Where value has the form: {,}

Each having the form : with no spaces allowed in the value list.

Available values for and examples for Item and itemList attribute values:

  • ProjectArea – specified by its name.

    Example: “ProjectArea:JKE Banking (Change Management)”

  • TeamArea – specified by its name path from the project area to the team area.

    Example: “TeamArea:JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering”

  • ProcessArea – specified by the name path from the project area to the process area.

    Example: “ProcessArea:JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters”

  • Category – specified by the category path.

    Example: “Category:JKE/BRM”

  • User – specified by the users user id.

    Example: “User:tanuj”

  • Iteration – specified by the iterations name path (including the development line name).

    Example: “Iteration:Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3”

  • WorkItem – specified by the work items id.

    Example: “WorkItem:20”

  • SCMComponent – specified by the Jazz SCM components display name.

    Example: “SCMComponent:Build”


Modes allow different types of changes to attributes such as add values, append text or remove and set other data. The mode is specified using this syntax:


Supported values for are default (no mode specified), add, set and remove.

If no mode is specified, the default mode for the parameter is used.

  • Example for default mode: summary=”This is a summary.”.
  • Example for add mode: summary:add=” Add this to the summary.”.
  • Example for set mode: summary:set=”Overwite the existing summary with this text.”.
  • Example for remove mode: custom.enumeration.list:remove=$,Unassigned.

Which modes are supported and their behavior depends on the attributes type.

  • Single value attributes typically support default and set mode, but not add and remove mode.
    • Default mode for single value attributes is set the value.
  • Multiple value attributes, such as lists and links, typically support default, add, set and remove mode.
    • Default mode for multiple value attributes is add, which adds the value(s).
    • Set mode for multiple value attributes removes the old values and then adds the new value(s).
    • Remove mode for multiple value attributes removes the specified values that can be found.
  • String values such as HTML, Summary, Wiki type attributes support default (same behavior as set mode), set and add mode.

The Print Type Attributes Command to get the Attribute ID’s and Types

To set work item attributes, WCL needs the ID of the attribute. You can look up the ID of an attribute in the process configuration. The command printtypeattributes prints the attribute ID’s for the built-in and for the custom attributes of a work item type in a project area. The command requires, in addition to the repository URL, the user and password, at least the project area and the work item type to look up. Syntax and required parameters:

wcl -printtypeattributes repository=RepositoryURI user=userID password=password  projectArea=ProjectAreaName workItemType=WorkItemTypeID {parameter[:mode]=value}


wcl -printtypeattributes repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" workItemType=task

Please note, for the built in attributes this returns an internal ID that might not show up if you look into the process configuration. You can use the ID’s you find there too, the API should translate them correctly.

The Create Command

The command create can be used to create a new work item and set its attributes.

The command requires, in addition to the repository URL, the user and password, at least the project area and the work item type to create. Please note, if the process specifies additional required attributes, these need to be provided as well, otherwise the creation and save operation will fail. Syntax and required parameters:

wcl -create repository=RepositoryURI user=userID password=password  projectArea=ProjectAreaName workItemType=WorkItemTypeID {parameter[:mode]=value}

Here an example for creating a work item.

wcl -create /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" workItemType=task summary="New Item" category=JKE owner=ralph

The command will report back the ID of the newly created work item if the operation was successful.

The Update Command

The command update can be used to update a work items attributes.

The command requires, in addition to the repository URL, the user and password, at least the ID of the work item to update. Syntax and required parameters:

wcl -update repository=RepositoryURI user=userID password=password  id=workItemID {parameter[:mode]=value}

Please note, if the process specifies additional required attributes, these need to be provided as well, otherwise the save operation will fail. This can be relevant if the state of a work item is changed.

Here is an example where a work item gets heavily updated:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 SUMMARY="New summary" FOUND_IN="Sprint 2 Development" owner=ralph target="Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3" internalSeverity=Major foundIn="Sprint 2 Development" internalPriority=High attachFile="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8" internalApprovals="approval:Please Approve:ralph,deb" internalSubscriptions=al,ralph,deb internalState="In Progress" internalTags="test1,test2" custom.duration=1800000 custom.boolean=true custom.contributor=al custom.contributor.list=al,deb,tanuj custom.decimal=1500200 custom.integer=234 custom.long=567 custom.tag=tag1,tag2 custom.timestamp="2014/12/31 12:30:00 GMT+01:00" custom.wiki="My Wiki" custom.projectarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)" custom.project.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)" custom.teamarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.team.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.process.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.processarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.workitem=3 custom.workitem.list=9,20,7

The command will report back the ID of the updated work item if the operation was successful.

Special Attributes and not  Attribute Based Work Item Modifications

Some attribute types need special treatment or require more complex values to be specified. Some have other limitations and considerations. These are explained below.

For Item List attributes the items need to be provided as a list of items with the separator “,”. As an example a work item attribute of type TeamAreaList would be set like this:

custom.teamarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering"

Please note, that this implies that the separator ‘,’ can not be part of any of the display names of the elements.

Special Properties Handling

Some special properties are protected from changing.

  • Work Item ID: can not be changed
  • Project Area: parameter “projectArea” can only be specified when creating the work item. It can not be set to a different value later.

There might be other limitations imposed by the process e.g. against changing the creator of a work item.


The parameter “internalComments” can be used to add a comment. This pseudo attribute only supports the default and add mode. Removing comments is not supported in the WCL. Comments support the HTML syntax mentioned above allowing to create web links, user and work item links. Example:

internalComments=””Plain Text

Bold Text

Italic Text

External RSJazz Link


Defect 3

User, User Lists

For attributes that require users or user lists the value of the property needs to specify the user or the list of users with the ID. Examples:

internalSubscriptions=al,ralph,deb custom.contributor.list=al,deb,tanuj


The parameter internalSubscriptions can be used to subscribe a list of users to a work item using their user ID’s. The syntax is:


This attribute supports the modes default (same as) add, set and remove mode.

  • Example set specific users (removing all others):


  • Example add users:


  • Example remove users:



wcl -update repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalSubscriptions:add=al,ralph,deb


The parameter internalTags can be used to add a list of tags. This attribute supports the modes default (same as) add, set and remove. The syntax is:

internalTags[:] ={,}

Example to set the tag list of the work item to two tags test1 and test2, removing all other tags:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalTags:set="test1,test2" custom.tags="MyTag"


The parameter internalApprovals can be used to add approvals and approvers. Approvals only support the modes default (same as) add, set and remove. Set and remove only affects approvals of the same approval type. For example, mode set for approval type review will only remove existing reviews. The syntax is:

internalApprovals[][:mode]=”:{: {,userIDn}}”

The name of the approval to be created is required. The Approver ID list is optional and it is possible to add one or more approver userID’s. Example without approvers

internalApprovals:add=”verification:Please Verify”

The section can be left out if only one approval is specified. If multiple approvals are specified, it needs to be a unique string. In the example below “_1” and “_2” make the parameters uniquely distinguishable:

internalApprovals_1:add="approval:Please approve:ralph,deb" internalApprovals_2:add="verification:Please verify:tanuj"

Available values for are

  • approval – to create an approval record
  • review – to create a review record
  • verification – to create a verification record


wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="approval:Please approve:ralph,deb"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="review:Please review:deb"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="verification:Please verify:tanuj"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="verification:We need a verification"

The implementation of the modes set and remove is as follows. Removal of approvals by either set or remove mode must be explicitly enabled using the switch enableDeleteApprovals, otherwise the command will fail if one of these modes is used with a internalApproval parameter.

The mode set removes all existing approvals of the specified and then adds a new approval of this type as specified.

The mode remove searches for all approvals of the specified and deletes those found with a matching the Approval Name.

Workflow and State Change

The WCL allows to set the state of the work item in different ways. Please note, the state is reached after the save operation, if it can be set.

A pseudo parameter @workflowAction can be used to set a workflow action to change the work item state when saving. This attribute supports only the modes default and set.

When using this pseudo parameter WCL looks up the current state of the work item, tries to find a workflow action with the given display name. If one exists, it  sets the save operation to trigger this action when the work item gets saved.

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=115 @workflowAction="Reopen"

Another example: @workflowAction=”Stop working” . Please note, the workflow change is governed by the RTC process engine. If RTC prevents the state change, the operation will fail on save. It is impossible to detect this prior to the save.

The parameter internalState representing the attribute to read the state can be used to set the state. The parameter only implements the modes default and set, which act equal. The syntax is:


Where is the value forceState.

Without the forceFlag provided WCL acts similar to using the pseudo parameter @workflowAction. It looks up the current state, and checks if any workflow action from the current state exists, that leads to the specified target state. If there is one, it sets the workflow action to be performed during the save operation. If there is no workflow action the state change is not performed.

Example with a target state:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalState="In Progress"

If the flag forceState: is added before the target state, WCL uses a deprecated API to forcefully set the state. Please note, that this does not trigger a workflow action and does also not trigger operational behavior. It should be used with caution. If the target state exists in the workflow of the work item type, the state is set, regardless if it is reachable directly or using multiple workflow actions or even if it is not reachable by the workflow at all.

Example with a target state forcefully set:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalState="forceState:New"

State Resolution

The resolution of a work item can be set using the attribute internalResulution. The parameter only implements the modes default and set, which act equal. The parameter value provided is the display value of the resolution.


wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalResolution=Invalid


The WCL provides a capability to manipulate work item attachments. The pseudo parameter @attachFile can be used to upload and remove attachments. This attribute supports the modes default (same as) add, set and remove. The syntax format is:

@attachFile[]=”SomeFilePath:Some Description::”


has one of the following values:

  • text/plain
  • application/unknown
  • application/xml

has one of the following values:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16BE
  • us-ascii.

As above, must be unique for multiple attachments in one command. If only one attachment is uploaded, the can be left empty.

The file must be accessible and in the correct encoding for the operation to perform correctly.

As above for approvals the mode set is implemented to remove all attachments first and then add the new attachment. The mode remove is implemented to search for an attachment with the same file path and description and remove it if it is available.

Some examples:

-update /ignoreErrors  repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=150 @attachFile="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8" @attachFile_2:add="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8"
-update /ignoreErrors /enableDeleteAttachment repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=150 @attachFile:remove="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8"
-update /ignoreErrors /enableDeleteAttachment repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=150 @attachFile:set="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8"

Duration Types

In duration types provide the value in milliseconds. For example



Timestamps need to be provided as string in the SimpleDateFormat using the format pattern “yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss z”. For example:

custom.timestamp="2014/12/31 12:30:00 GMT+01:00"


The pseudo parameter @link_ can be used to link the current work item to other objects. The syntax is


Where specifies the type of link to be created, for example reportAgainstBuild and the values on the right side specifies one target object or a list of target objects to be linked to the current work item using the link type. The separator used here is the pipe symbol ‘|‘. The reason is, that the links can be URI’s and the naming conventions are problematic. It is hard to find a character that is likely not to appear in that string. Not everyone sticks to the specification and the pipe symbol seemed to be appropriate.

The parameter supports the modes default (same as) add, set and remove.  Similar to other implementations above the mode set removes all links of the specified before creating the new links. The mode remove tries to find an existing link of the with the same target and removes this link, if it exists.

There are different ways the links get created, dependent on what link type and what target elements are specified.

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 @link_parent=1 @link_blocks=2|3 @link_reportAgainstBuild=P20141208-1713|@_IjluoH-oEeSHhcw_WFU6CQ|P20141208-1713
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=150 @link_tracks_workitem="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/80|4|5" @link_affected_by_defect=123 @link_affects_plan_item=20|30 @link_related_change_management=4|7
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=150 @link_related_artifact="https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/"  @link_affects_requirement="https://clm.example.com:9443/rm/resources/_6c96bedb0e9a490494273eefc6e1f7c5" @link_tested_by_test_case="https://clm.example.com:9443/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_6u2zcH-nEeSJhuhJc8_drg/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestCase/_N6HHYX-oEeSJhuhJc8_drg"

Work Item Links – links between this work item and another work item within the same repository

The following are supported from the current work item to a target work item. These links are local to the repository this work item belongs to. This means the value list is a list of work item numbers separated by pipe ‘|’ symbols.

  • copied
  • copied_from
  • successor
  • blocks
  • resolves
  • mention
  • predecessor
  • parent
  • duplicate_of
  • duplicate
  • related
  • depends_on
  • child
  • resolved_by

Please note, that if you try to create a link that can not be supported on the target end, save errors will show up. As an example if a target is set to be the child of this work item and that work item has already some other work item set as parent, the save will fail.

Format example:


CLM Work Item Links – CLM links between this work item and another work item within the same or across repository boundaries

The following are supported from the current work item to a target work item. These links can be local to the repository this work item belongs to, or to work items in another repository. The parameter value is a list of one or more work items specified by their ID (if they are in the same repository) or by their Item URI separated by pipe ‘|’ symbols. To understand the URI format, look at an existing link in the RTC web UI and inspect the link target. Wrong target formats can lead to corrupt data.

  • affects_plan_item
  • tracks_workitem
  • related_change_management
  • affected_by_defect

Format example:


CLM URI Links – CLM links between this work item and another item, described by a valid URI, in a different application or repository.

The following are supported from the current work item to a target item such as a requirement, test case or test result. These links are across repositories and applications. The parameter value is a list of one or more items, that support this link type, specified by their Item URI separated by pipe ‘|’ symbols. To understand the URI format, look at an existing link in the RTC web UI and inspect the link target. Wrong target formats can lead to corrupt data.

  • related_test_plan
  • affects_requirement
  • tested_by_test_case
  • blocks_test_execution
  • implements_requirement
  • affects_execution_result
  • related_artifact
  • related_test_case
  • elaborated_by
  • tracks_requirement
  • scm_tracks_scm_changes
  • related_execution_record

Format example:


Please note that the link “Associate Work Item” between a change set and the work item can only be created by the SCM component. The link created here is the looser CLM link. Create the work item change set link using the SCM command line.

Build result Links – Links from a work item to a build result in the same repository.

The following are supported from the current work item to a build result. These links are within a repository. The parameter value is a list of one or more build results. The Build result can be specified by its Build Result Label or by the Build Result ID separated by pipe ‘|’ symbols. The parameter value is a list of one or more Buildresults specified by their ID or their label. The WCL distinguishes between build result ID and Build Label, add @ as prefix to the Build Result Label.

  • reportAgainstBuild
  • includedInBuild

Please note that the link includedBuild should only be created by the SCM system from the snapshot, it is only available for completeness.

Format example: @link_reportAgainstBuild=@_IjluoH-oEeSHhcw_WFU6CQ|P20141208-1713

RMI Modes

The WCL can be run as a local Java application. This is fine if only one work item needs to be modified. However, since each call requires the RTC API TeamPlatform to be started and the process takes around 6 seconds, this does not scale for a lot of calls, it is possible to run the work item command line in a RMI server mode on the same or a different machine. This server waits for incoming requests and only needs to initialize the API once.

Called from another RMI client process, the server can process requests very fast and return the result. This can be achieved with two switches to set up the server and to delegate the call to the server.

The syntax for the switches is


Where is one of the following values.

  • rmiServer
  • rmiClient

By default the RMI Name used to connect to the RMI server is “//localhost/RemoteWorkitemCommandLineServer” using a default port of 1099 for the RMI registry.

It is possible to define a different name and port by providing a value. The example below starts WCL as RMI server with name “//clm.example.com/WorkItemCommandLine” with a RMI registry listening to port 1199:

wcl /rmiServer=//clm.example.com:1199/WorkItemCommandLine

By providing the same naming in the rmiClient switch for the requested command, the connection can be established.

wcl -create /rmiClient=//clm.example.com:1199/WorkItemCommandLine /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" workItemType=task summary="New Item" category=JKE owner=ralph target="Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3" internalSeverity=Major foundIn="Sprint 2 Development" internalPriority=High creator=myadmin

If the WCL is started as RMI server, the process will not terminate, but RMI will listen to requests and delegate them to that process. It is not necessary to provide a command or any other input values, when starting the WCL in RMI server mode as they will be ignored. RMI will make the process available and call it to service commands requested by other client instances that are started with the additional switch /rmiClient added to the command that is supposed to be performed.

Please note, that the server and the client require a policy file for the security manager.  A policy file rmi_no.policy is shipped with the download. The policy file opens up everything.

So please rename and modify the file to your requirements

To enable security Java requires to call the class with the additional vm argument -Djava.security.policy=rmi_no.policy where the policy file name must exist and be readable on the server and on the client side.

Predefined Attribute ID Aliases

Aliases for attribute ID’s have been coded into the application. You can add your own aliases in the mapping table.

Available mappings:

RESOLUTION_DATE: resolutionDate

FOUND_IN: foundIn

PRIORITY: internalPriority

RESOLVER: resolver

SUMMARY: summary

ESTIMATE: duration

MODIFIED: modified


CREATOR: creator

RESOLUTION: internalResolution

MODIFIED_BY: modifiedBy


CREATION_DATE: creationDate

STATE: internalState

PROJECT_AREA: projectArea

OWNER: owner

TAGS: internalTags

DUE_DATE: dueDate

TYPE: workItemType

ID: id

TIME_SPENT: timeSpent

DESCRIPTION: description

SEVERITY: internalSeverity

CORRECTED_ESTIMATE: correctedEstimate


This WorkItem Command Line should allow for most of the automation needs when creating work items. In addition it is a nice resource for the RTC work Item API.

In later posts I will explain the code for users that are interested in adding their own implementation.

As always, I hope the post is an inspiration and helps someone out there to save some time. If you are just starting to explore extending RTC, please have a look at the hints in the other posts in this blog on how to get started.

A RTC WorkItem Command Line V1.0 – Deprecated

Please refer to the new Version of the RTC WorkItem Command Line. The code has been enhanced and received a lot of testing and will be the basis for future efforts.

Version 1.0 is Deprecated
Version 1.0 is Deprecated

Please refer to the new Version of the RTC WorkItem Command Line. The code has been enhanced and received a lot of testing and will be the basis for future efforts.

I have seen many requests to be able to create and update work items from a command line in the forum. There are enhancement requests and a story for it in the Rational Team Concert development repository. I had a lot of the required code already available and thought I should provide a solution if possible.

This post provides a simple Work Item Command Line Client and explains the usage. It comes with code, so you can also enhance it if you need more features.

Related posts

  • Installing and using the WorkItemCommandLine – this post

WorkItemCommandLine Summary

The WorkItemCommandLine – in short WCL – works on Windows and Unix clients. It requires a JDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries to be installed.

It currently allows to

  • Create work items
  • Update work items
  • Show the attributes ID’s available for a work item type in a project area

The WCL allows to set and update almost all available attribute types.

  • String based attributes
  • Number based attributes
  • Enumeration and Enumeration List based attributes
  • Tag based attributes
  • ……

This works for built in attributes as well as for custom attributes.

The only attribute types currently not supported are Item and ItemList, where the type of the item is not specified or where the type is an SCM object. This might get implemented in the future. The problem is that the syntax needs to be able to specify what Item Type to look for in order to implement this, and to include the SCM component for searching.

Please note, for List attribute types it is currently only possible to set the list, unless described otherwise in the help. I am looking into a common parameter value encoding that can help more flexibility with being able to add and remove items as well.

In addition to these attribute types various not attribute based work item values can be modified:

  • Subscription
  • Comments
  • Approvals
  • Links to work items
  • Links from build results
  • Attachments can be uploaded
  • Trigger a workflow action

This should be sufficient for most of the automation needs, especially during builds.


The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license.

Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee.

On the other hand, you have the code and are able to add your own code to it. It would be nice to know what you did and how, if you do so.

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working.


You can download the tool here:


Download the packaged executable application. The file is compressed and will be named like wcl-Vx-YYYYMMDD.zip. The x represents the version number and is followed by the date it was created.

If you have installed an RTC API development environment following the RTC Extensions workshop and this post, you have all else that is needed and can use  the installs folder of your extension development install, for example C:\RTC401Dev\installs.

Extract the file e.g. using 7Zip to a folder, for example C:\RTCWCL (or C:\RTC401Dev\installs).

The destination folder should now contain a folder wcl.

If you don’t have an extension development environment set up, download and install the Plain Java Client Libraries for your version of RTC. Open the All Downloads tab of the RTC version you are interested in. For example https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/4.0.1?p=allDownloads and scroll down to the Plain .zip Files section.

PlainJavaDownloadDownload the Plain Java Client Libraries file.

Use 7Zip and unzip the Plain Java client Libraries download file (for example named RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-4.0.1.zip). Use 7Zips Extract Files command and provide the extraction Path C:\RTCWCL\PlainJavaAPI .

If you don’t have an extension development environment set up, download and install a Java JDK. If you have the Rational Team Concert client installed a compatible JDK is available in the install location e.g. TeamConcert\jazz\client\eclipse\jdk. The easiest way is to download the zip version of the Rational Team concert Client and extracting it to C:\RTCWCL\TeamConcert.

The folder should now look similar to this image.

WCL Folder Structure

Adjusting the Scripts to the Environment

If you downloaded a different JDK or have the RTC Eclipse client installed in a different location, follow the next steps to adjust the WCL to the different paths.

Open the folder created when extracting the WCL for example C:\RTCWCL\wcl. The folder contains the script files

  • wcl.bat – for Windows clients
  • wcl.sh – for client with Unix/*ux operating systems such as Linux

Open the file relevant for your operating system. It should look similar to this:


The script assumes an install structure where the JDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries are installed like in the image before. If your setup uses different paths, adjust then according to your setup.

On Unix operating systems chmod the shell script so that it is executable.

You should now be able to run the WorkItemCommandLine.

Test the Environment

Open a shell or cmd window. change the directory to where you extracted WCL for example C:\RTCWCL\wcl. Type wcl and run the WorkItemCommandLine. The command should be executed and print help content like below.

Start WCLIf this does not happen, make sure the paths are set correctly and the JDK is compatible.

The Syntax of WCL

WCL uses the following syntax:

wcl -<command> [/<flag>] [<parameter>=<value>]

Where <command> can be

  • create
  • update
  • printtypeattributes

The commands have their own requirements for base parameters such as repository URL, users, password and the like.

The flag

  • ignoreErrors allows to successfully perform the create and update command if minor errors happen. For example if an optional attribute or its value was not found. If the flag is not provided any error will cause the operation to fail.

The parameter sections <parameter>=<value> must not have spaces in the <parameter> or in the <value> or before or after the =. You can enclose the value of <parameter>, <value> or the whole term in quotation marks. For example projectArea=”JKE Banking (Change Management)”.

The WorkItemCommandline also defines various pseudo attribute names e.g. to upload files as attachment.

Each <parameter> can only be used once in the command line. In some cases like attachment uploads a special section needs to be added in the parameter to allow for multiple specifications.

The WorkItemCommandline also has an alias mechanism built in, that allows to map different external names for attributes to the internal representation. Currently the names of the AttributeCustomization described here are built in. This allows, for example, to use FOUND_IN=”Sprint 2 Development” instead of foundIn=”Sprint 2 Development”. You can add your own aliases if needed.

Parameter values <value> are usually the display value of elements. For example setting an enumeration attribute would use “High” instead of the literal ID. This makes it easier to use.

In some cases e.g. for links, subscriber lists and other user lists, it is necessary to specify the ID of the element instead of the display name.

The help given by the tool should be enough to figure out how to use it. However, here some more details and examples.

The Command to get the Attribute ID’s and Types

To set work item attributes, wcl needs the ID of the attribute. You can look up the ID of an attribute in the process configuration. The command printtypeattributes prints the attribute ID’s for the built-in and for the custom attributes of a work item type in a project area.

wcl -printtypeattributes repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" workItemType=task

Please note, for the built in attributes this returns an internal ID that might not show up if you look into the process configuration. You can use the ID’s you find there too, the API should translate them correctly.

The Create Command

The command create can be used to create a new work item and set its attributes.

The command requires, in addition to the repository URL, the user and password, at least the project area and the work item type to create. Please note, if the process specifies additional required attributes, these need to be provided as well, otherwise the creation and save operation will fail.

Here an example for creating a work item.

wcl -create /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph projectArea="JKE Banking (Change Management)" workItemType=task summary="New Item" category=JKE owner=ralph

The Update Command

The command update can be used to update a work items attributes.

The command requires, in addition to the repository URL, the user and password, at least the ID of the work item to update. Please note, if the process specifies additional required attributes, these need to be provided as well, otherwise the save operation will fail. This can be relevant if the state of a work item is changed.

Here is an example where a work item gets heavily updated:

-update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 SUMMARY="New summary" FOUND_IN="Sprint 2 Development" owner=ralph target="Main Development/Release 1.0/Sprint 3" internalSeverity=Major foundIn="Sprint 2 Development" internalPriority=High attachFile="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8" internalApprovals="approval:Please Approve:ralph,deb" internalSubscriptions=al,ralph,deb internalState="In Progress" internalTags="test1,test2" custom.duration=1800000 custom.boolean=true custom.contributor=al custom.contributor.list=al,deb,tanuj custom.decimal=1500200 custom.integer=234 custom.long=567 custom.tag=tag1,tag2 custom.timestamp="2014/12/31 12:30:00 GMT+01:00" custom.wiki="My Wiki" custom.projectarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)" custom.project.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)" custom.teamarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.team.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.process.area="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.processarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering" custom.workitem=3 custom.workitem.list=9,20,7

Special Attributes and not  Attribute Based Workitem Modifications

Some attribute types need special treatment or require more complex values to be specified. Some have other limitations and considerations. These are explained below.

For Item List attributes the items need to be provided as a list of items with the separator “,”. As an example a work item attribute of type TeamAreaList would be set like this:

custom.teamarea.list="JKE Banking (Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters,JKE Banking (Change Management)/Release Engineering"

Please note, that this implies that the separator can not be part of any of the display names of the elements.

Special Properties Handling

Some special properties are protected from changing.

  • Work Item ID: can not be changed
  • Project Area: can not be changed – use the category

There might be other limitations imposed by the process e.g. against changing the creator of a work item.

User, User Lists, Subscribers

For attributes that require users or user lists the value of the property needs to specify the user or the list of users with the ID. Examples:

internalSubscriptions=al,ralph,deb custom.contributor.list=al,deb,tanuj


To create links to other elements a special pseudo attribute/parameter link is used. The syntax is:


The supported <linktype> values are printed in the help. The value is a list of item ID’s to link to. The list of one or more elements can either be a list of one or more work item ID’s or the label or ID, in case of a build result. Examples:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 link_parent=1 link_blocks=2,3 link_reportAgainstBuild=P20141208-1713

 Workflow, States and Resulutions

The WorkItemCommandline allows to set the state of the work item in different ways. Please note, the state is reached after the save operation, if it can be set.

You can specify a workflow action by using the pseudo parameter workflowAction. In this case wcl looks up the current state of the work item, tries to find a workflow action with the given name and sets the save operation to trigger this action when the work item gets saved. An example:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=115 workflowAction="Reopen"

In addition the attribute internalState can be used to set the state.

Syntax is:


In this case wcl looks up the target state and tries to reach the state, using any available direct workflow action. If there is no workflow action the state change is not performed. If the flag forceState: is added before the target state, wcl uses a dprecated API to forcefully set the state. Please note, that this does not trigger a workflow action and does also not trigger operational behavior. It should be used with caution.

Example with a target state:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalState="In Progress"

Example with a target state forcefully set:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalState="forceState:New"

The resolution can be set using the attribute internalResulution. Example:

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 workItemType=defect internalResolution=Invalid


The WorkItemCommandline allows to create approvals, reviews and verifications. The syntax is

internalApprovals=”<approval_type>:<Approval Name String>:{<userID1>{,<userID>}}

Where <approval_type> is one of

  • approval
  • review
  • verification

The name of the approval <Approval Name String> is required and it is possible to add one or more approver userID’s

wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="approval:Please approve:ralph,deb"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="review:Please review:deb"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="verification:Please verify:tanuj"
wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111  internalApprovals="verification:We need a verification"


The WorkItemCommandline allows to upload attachments to work items. The syntax is


Where the <uniqueID> is optional, but must be unique if multiple attachment uploads are specified, the <pathToFile> needs to exist  and be accessible, the description is some string.

The values for <contentTypeID> and <encodingID> need to match the file.

Supported values for <contentTypeID> are:

  • text/plain
  • application/unknown
  • application/xml

Supported values for <encodingID> are:

  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-16BE
  • us-ascii


wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 attachFile="./Test.txt:Some Description:text/plain:UTF-8" attachFile_1="./LintResult.txt:Lint result:text/plain:UTF-8"


WCL allows to add subscribers to work items. The syntax is:


To remove subscribers use the pseudo attribute unsubscribe. The syntax is the same as when subscribing:



wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph internalSubscriptions=al,ralph,deb unsubscribe=myadmin


WCL allows to set tags in the built in tag attribute as well as for custom attributes of the type tag. The syntax is:



wcl -update /ignoreErrors repository="https://clm.example.com:9443/ccm" user=ralph password=ralph id=111 internalTags="test1,test2" custom.tags="MyTag"

Duration Types

In duration types provide the value in milliseconds. For example



Timestamps need to be provided as string in the SimpleDateFormat using the format pattern “yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss z”. For example:

custom.timestamp="2014/12/31 12:30:00 GMT+01:00"


This WorkItemCommandLine should allow for most of the automation needs when creating work items. In addition it is a nice resource for the RTC work Item API. If my schedule allows, I will enhance it to support the missing types and potentially some export and import options.

In later posts I will explain the code for users that are interested in adding their own implementation.

As always, I hope the post is an inspiration and helps someone out there to save some time. If you are just starting to explore extending RTC, please have a look at the hints in the other posts in this blog on how to get started.

The Process Sharing API

RTC process sharing allows to manage a process in one project area and to use the process in multiple other project areas. This post explains the internal API that allows to use  this feature in automation to make operations easier.

The RTC process sharing feature allows to minimize process customization while having a common process in many project areas. This is interesting for all kinds of users, especially with a growing number of project areas while in the need of a common process.

I worked with a team, that needed to create many project areas to contain the information for each project in one project area while limiting access to other project areas. So the idea was to automate the process of creating project areas, which required to be able to use an API. I found hints to this API provided by Sam on Jazz.net. I consolidated the code into an example that I could share with others.

You can find more about how this feature works in the following articles on Jazz.net

The code in this post is client API.

This blog post uses internal API which can be changed at any time.
This blog post uses internal API which can be changed at any time. If the Internal API changes, the code published here will no longer work.

Warning, some of the code uses internal API that might change in the future. If the Internal API changes, the code published here will no longer work.

The post contains published code, so our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license. I found a section relevant to source code at the and of the license. Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee. Enjoy!

Just Starting With Extending RTC?

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working.

The Code

To provide at least some wrapper around the internal code calls, I created a utility class ProcessProviderUtil. This utility wraps the API to set a project area to provide the process to be used by other project areas, as well as the API to set a project area to use another project area’s process and provides methods to use this API. The methods just delegate to the internal API call at this time.

You can download the code from here.

This is how the code looks like:

 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. All Rights Reserved. 
 * Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights:  Use, duplication or 
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
package com.ibm.team.js.process.client;

import com.ibm.team.process.common.IProjectArea;
import com.ibm.team.process.common.IProjectAreaHandle;
import com.ibm.team.process.internal.common.ProjectArea;

 * Skeleton for a plain-Java client, see
 * https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ProgrammaticWorkItemCreation.
public class ProcessProviderUtil {

	 * Set a project area to provide its process for sharing
	 * @param projectArea
	public static void setIsProcessProvider(IProjectArea projectArea, boolean isProcessProvider) {
		((ProjectArea) projectArea).setIsProcessProvider(isProcessProvider);

	 * Test if the projectArea Provides its process
	 * @param projectArea
	 *            Determines whether other project areas can get their process
	 *            from this project area.
	 * @return true if this project area allows other project areas * to use its process, false if not. */ public static boolean isProcessProvider(IProjectArea projectArea) { return ((ProjectArea) projectArea).isProcessProvider(); } /** * Share the process on another project area * * @param usingProjectArea * @param providingProcessArea */ public static void setProcessProvider(IProjectArea usingProjectArea, IProjectArea providingProcessArea) { ((ProjectArea) usingProjectArea) .setProcessProvider(providingProcessArea); } /** * Get the project area from which we use the process * * @param projectArea * * @return {@link IProjectAreaHandle} or null if this project * area does not rely on another project area for its process. */ public static IProjectAreaHandle getProcessProvider(IProjectArea projectArea) { return ((ProjectArea) projectArea).getProcessProvider(); } }

Example Usage

The methods are so simple that there is no reason to explain them in detail. The code below shows how they can be used. The example needs two project areas to be provided. One project area e.g. based on the Scrum process template. A second project area based on the ‘Unconfigured Process’. The User that runs this automation needs to be member of the JazzAdmins repository group.

The code to set the first project area to provide its process to be used by another projects looks like below.

IProcessItemService processItemService = (IProcessItemService) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IProcessItemService.class);

System.out.println("\nProcessing project area: "+ providingProjectAreaName);
URI uri = URI.create(providingProjectAreaName.replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
IProjectArea providingProjectArea = (IProjectArea) processItemService.findProcessArea(uri, null, monitor);
if (providingProjectArea == null) {
	System.out.println("....Error: Project area not found: ");
	return false;
providingProjectArea = (IProjectArea) providingProjectArea.getWorkingCopy();

System.out.println("...Project area provides its process for usage:"
		+ new Boolean(ProcessProviderUtil
// Set to provide the process for sharing
System.out.println("...Set project area process to provided for usage");
System.out.println("...Project area provides its process to other project areas:"
		+ new Boolean(ProcessProviderUtil

// Save project area that uses the provided process
processItemService.save(providingProjectArea, monitor);

The code basically finds the project area somehow (by its name). It then gets a working copy to be able to modify it. It then provides if the project area is already providing its process to others. Regardless of this information it sets the project area to provide its process for usage. It again prints if the process is provided. Finally the changes are saved.

The code to use the process of a project area that provides it looks as below.

System.out.println("\nProcessing project area: " + usingProjectAreaName);
uri = URI.create(usingProjectAreaName.replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
IProjectArea usingProjectArea = (IProjectArea) processItemService.findProcessArea(uri, null, monitor);
if (usingProjectArea == null) {
	System.out.println("....Error: Project area not found: ");
	return false;
usingProjectArea = (IProjectArea) usingProjectArea.getWorkingCopy();

System.out.println("...Project area provides its process to other project areas:"
			+ new Boolean(ProcessProviderUtil
Boolean used = new Boolean(false);
IProjectAreaHandle handle = ProcessProviderUtil
if (null != handle) {
	used = new Boolean(true);
System.out.println("...Project area uses a process provided by another project area:" + used.toString());
// Set to share process
System.out.println("...set to use a process provided by another project area");
used = new Boolean(false);
handle = ProcessProviderUtil.getProcessProvider(usingProjectArea);
if (null != handle) {
	used = new Boolean(true);
System.out.println("...Project area uses a process provided by another project area:" + used.toString());
// Save project area that uses the provided process
processItemService.save(usingProjectArea, monitor);

As in the part above the code first finds the project area. It then detects if the project area provides its process for informational reasons. Then it checks if it uses the process of another project area. It then sets the project area to use the process of the first project area, prints a check of the fact and saves the process change.

Please note, there is no real error handling here. e.g. if the project area provides its process and can actually share another process is not tested.

In the inverse case, if providing the process is supposed to be disabled, the save would fail if project areas still share the provided process.


The code is experimental. I have tested it against a test server on Tomcat and Derby. It is by no means production ready and can be enhanced for various scenarios. However, as always, I hope the code is an inspiration and helps someone out there to save some time. If you are just starting to explore extending RTC, please have a look at the hints in the other posts in this blog on how to get started.

Some Other Interesting RTC API Posts

I was looking for some API today and came across Bam Bytes posts. He has covered some API areas I haven’t covered yet and he has other examples that you might want to look at too.

I also came across Chris’ Rational Team Concert plain Java API’s Article which provides a nice quick entry into the Plain Java API if you are new to it.

I wanted to blog this, because the content is great, expanding on what I have posted about and this way it helps me using search on my blog to find the links. I have both in my Interesting Links page, but it is not obvious what they contain.

Deploying Templates and Creating Projects Using the Plain Java Clients Library

How can the Rational Team Concert Extensions workshop be changed to be easier to use with newer versions of Rational Team Concert?

This is a question that I was contemplating about since I picked up the maintenance of the workshop. The issue with the workshop is the requirement to import database content using the repotools.

Why is that step required? The main reason is, that the workshop provides a project with SCM data that you use to perform the various labs. It also provides the Launch files needed for launching the Jetty server and the Eclipse clients.  This avoids a lot of work in typing source code and importing projects.

However, it causes a lot of issues.

  •  This used to work with various versions of RTC in the past but since 4.0 it seems to be tied to the version that was used to export the databases. So in order to run the workshop with a newer versions, it is neccessary to set it up with the RTC version it was created with and then upgrade the repository to the desired version.
  • By importing the repository, the public URI is set.
  • When setting the repository up, it is necessary to decide which applications to set up and register. If using a different install method and not installing all applications the JTS will show broken application registrations.
  • It is necessary to run a custom setup, due to the usage of the user ID ADMIN

There are some other issues with this approach that add unnecessary complexity to a workshop that is already challenging enough (for example the usage of user ADMIN and how to provide that user with a license). These can hopefully be addressed somehow.

Solution Approach

The only feasible approach that I could come up with was to provide some automation to perform the steps I have to do to set up the repository to export it for a new workshop version. The automation would run against a RTC Server that has a finalized set up of any kind (Express or Custom) with or without existing projects, create and provide the required data.

The minimal set of steps required would be to:

  1. Deploy the required Template for a Project Area, if it is not already deployed.
  2. Create the required Project Area for the Extension Workshop.
  3. Set the required User Membership and Roles for the Project Area.
  4. Set up the required Stream, Components and the Repository workspace
  5. Share the SCM Data to the Components, deliver it to the Stream and create the required Baselines. This needs to be done multiple times for the workshop code adding new files and modifying files that already exist.
  6. Set the repository workspace components to the baselines needed to start the workshop.

Recently I found some time to explore how this can be achieved. I made considerable process and I think there is a solution to this challenge that I might be able to publish. While I will try to find time to finalize the work and get approval to publish the results, I wanted to publish some of the lessons learned from trying to create the solution.

The solution is described in:

  1. This post
  2. Managing Workspaces, Streams and Components using the Plain Java Client Libraries
  3. Delivering Change Sets and Baselines to a Stream Using the Plain Java Client Libraries
  4. Extracting an Archive Into Jazz SCM Using the Plain Java Client Libraries

License and how to get started with the RTC API’S

As always, our lawyers, reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license, which basically means you can use it for internal usage, but not sell. Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee.

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working.

To keep it simple this example is, as many others in this blog, based on the Jazz Team Wiki entry on Programmatic Work Item Creation and the Plain Java Client Library Snippets. The example in this blog shows RTC Client API.

Preparing the Project

This post will show how the required project can be created. Some of the code used here is from Snippet 3 of the plain Java Client Libraries and from code already published in this blog. The code that follows is wrapped into the code I usually use for my Plain Java Client Library examples, derived from the Programmatic Work Item Creation Wiki entry and the Plain Java Client Libraries Snippets.

The main() method starts the Team Platform, creates the new class object and passes the arguments on to perform the work. I have discussed what this code does so often in other posts, please refer to them if you have questions.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	boolean result;
	System.out.println("Starting Team Platform");
	if (!TeamPlatform.isStarted())
	try {
		System.out.println("Team Platform started");
		ServerSetup setupExtDevServer = new ServerSetup();
		result = setupExtDevServer.run(args);
	} catch (TeamRepositoryException x) {
		result = false;
	} finally {
	if (!result)

In the run() method the work to do is coordinated and performed. The method checks if the required parameters are available. Then it logs into the repository with the given user name and password. This code is presented at the end of this post, as it is just refactored out and is simply the code I am always using in this blog. The user has to have the JazzAdmin repository role.

In the next step the automation deploys the required process template. It then tries to find if the project area exists and creates a new one if not. It adds the required user with role to the project area. The following steps will be explained in later posts.

private boolean run(String[] args) throws Exception {
	if (args.length != 3) {
		System.out.println("Usage: ServerSetup repositoryURI userId password");
		return false;

	String repositoryURI = args[0];
	String userId = args[1];
	String password = args[2];

	IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
	ITeamRepository teamRepository = logIntoTeamRepository(repositoryURI,
				userId, password, monitor);

	IProcessDefinition scrumProcess = findOrDeployTemplate(teamRepository,
				"scrum2.process.ibm.com", monitor);
	IProjectArea area = findOrCreateProjectArea(teamRepository,
				"RTC Extension Workshop", scrumProcess, monitor);
	addUsersAndRoles(teamRepository, area, monitor);

In the deployTempate() method the automation tries to find the required process template and tries to deploy it, if it was not already deployed.

private IProcessDefinition findOrDeployTemplate(ITeamRepository teamRepository,
		String processID, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {
	System.out.println("Trying to find or deploy template: " + processID);
	IProcessItemService service = (IProcessItemService) teamRepository
	IProcessDefinition[] definitions = null;
	// Find the process definition
	IProcessDefinition processDefinition = processItemService
			.findProcessDefinition(processID, null, monitor);
	if (processDefinition == null) {
		// Create the definition if it does not exist.
		definitions = processItemService
						new String[] { processID }, monitor);
		System.out.println("Template deployed...");
		if (definitions.length != 0) {
			processDefinition = definitions[0];
		} else {
			throw new TeamRepositoryException("Process template "
					+ processID + " does not exist.");
	System.out.println("Template found...");
	return processDefinition;

The main task is now to find the project area if it exists and to create a new project area in case it is not available.

private IProjectArea findOrCreateProjectArea(
		ITeamRepository teamRepository, String projectName,
		IProcessDefinition processDefinition, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {

	// Create Project Area based on Scrum
	System.out.println("Trying to find or create Project Area: " + projectName);

	IProcessItemService service = (IProcessItemService) teamRepository
	IProjectArea area = null;
	List areas = service.findAllProjectAreas(
			IProcessClientService.ALL_PROPERTIES, monitor);
	for (Object anArea : areas) {
		if (anArea instanceof IProjectArea) {
			IProjectArea foundArea = (IProjectArea) anArea;
			if (foundArea.getName().equals(projectName)) {
				area = foundArea;
				System.out.println("Project Area found: " + projectName);
				return area;

	// Could not find the the project area, create one
	if (area == null) {
		System.out.println("Trying to create Project Area: " + projectName);
		area = service.createProjectArea();
		IDescription description = area.getDescription();
		description.setSummary("Project to be used running the RTC Extension Workshop");
		area = (IProjectArea) service.save(area, monitor);
		area = (IProjectArea) service.getMutableCopy(area);
		service.initialize(area, monitor);
		System.out.println("Created and initialized Project Area: " + projectName);
	return area;

Now that the project area is available make sure to add the required user with role ID “ScrumMaster”. The method addUsersAndRoles() does this.It first tries to find the role. Once found it adds the currently logged in user, the user that runs this automation, to the administrators section of the project and to the members section with the role obtained.

private IProjectArea addUsersAndRoles(ITeamRepository teamRepository,
		IProjectArea area, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {

	IProcessItemService service = (IProcessItemService) teamRepository
	area = (IProjectArea) service.getMutableCopy(area);
	System.out.println("Trying to add members with roles: "
			+ "ScrumMaster" + " to Project Area" + area.getName());

	// IProjectArea wArea = (IProjectArea)service.getMutableCopy(area);
	IContributor member = teamRepository.loggedInContributor();

	IRole role = getRole(area, "ScrumMaster", monitor);
	area.addRoleAssignments(member, new IRole[] { role });
	IProcessItem[] items = service.save(new IProcessItem[] { area },
	System.out.println("Users with Roles added to " + area.getName());
	return area;

To get the role the getRole() method tries to discover the roles in the process that have a matching ID and returns it, if it was found. Please note that IRole objects have no access to the role name. they have just the ID. If you need the role name you need to get the IRole2 interface from the IRole object. The code that does this is commented out below.

	private IRole getRole(IProcessArea area, String roleID,
			IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamRepositoryException {
		ITeamRepository repo = (ITeamRepository) area.getOrigin();
		IProcessItemService service = (IProcessItemService) repo
		IClientProcess clientProcess = service.getClientProcess(area, monitor);
		IRole[] availableRoles = clientProcess.getRoles(area, monitor);
		for (int i = 0; i < availableRoles.length; i++) {
			IRole role = availableRoles[i];
			// IRole2 role2 = (IRole2)role;
			// role2.getRoleName();
			if (role.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(roleID))
				return role;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find roles");

The code left out is for logging into the repository, for completeness it is presented below.

private ITeamRepository logIntoTeamRepository(String repositoryURI,
		String userId, String password, IProgressMonitor monitor)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {
	System.out.println("Trying to log into repository: " + repositoryURI);
	ITeamRepository teamRepository = TeamPlatform
	teamRepository.registerLoginHandler(new LoginHandler(userId, password));
	System.out.println("Login succeeded.");
	return teamRepository;

 * Login Handler implementation
private static class LoginHandler implements ILoginHandler, ILoginInfo {

	private String fUserId;
	private String fPassword;

	private LoginHandler(String userId, String password) {
		fUserId = userId;
		fPassword = password;

	public String getUserId() {
		return fUserId;

	public String getPassword() {
		return fPassword;

	public ILoginInfo challenge(ITeamRepository repository) {
		return this;


The code in this post basically shows how to prepare a project for later usage. It does the steps requires such as deploying a process template in case it is not yet available. It finds or creates the project area and it makes sure to add the user required as administrator and member with the required role.

Now that the project is prepared, the next steps will be all the required preparation in the Projects SCM to be able to upload the code. This is going to be presented in a later post.

As always, I hope that sharing this code helps users out there, with a need to use the API’s to do their work more efficient.

Changing the Jazz User ID Using the RTC Plain Java Client Libraries

Recently there were several forum posts about changing the user ID used by JTS and the Jazz products RTC, RQM, RRC to authenticate them against the authentication realm like LDAP, or Tomcat based authentication. In some scenarios this is simply required to change a mistyped user ID while keeping the users association to the Jazz artifacts. Some scenarios are more complex. For example switch to a new LDAP system and changing the user ID.

The general approach is described in this tech note. Following the tech note you can use the administration UI to change the ID. If you need to completely switch the LDAP system and the new system has new user ID’s you have to take some more things into consideration.

  1. Switch off the LDAP sync task, while you do the changes. Otherwise it might sync the new users with the different ID’s in.
  2. You will need an administrative user after switching to the new system. Make sure you create one in the old system that conforms to the ID’s in the new system, or have one or more additional administrative accounts and change them to a valid new ID in the new LDAP system.
  3. You can change all the other user ID’s in the current system or the new system. Consider to keep the admin ID for the old system as long as you are testing.

In Doors Next Generation this is not supported. See https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/workarounds-modifying-user-id-clm for work arounds.

Doing all the user ID changes manually might be tedious and error prone. It will also take time. While you do it, the system might not be available for the users.

Changing the user ID this way only changes the ID in the Jazz databases. You need to make sure to provide a matching user ID in the user registry you are using. If you just want to change the user ID’s and not change the registry, make sure to modify the user ID’s in the registry to match the user Jazz user ID.

If you run Tomcat and its built in registry, managing the ID’s in the file Tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml, you need to change the value of the property username to match the ID in the Jazz database. Shut down the server, change the property for the users to match their Jazz user ID, save the file and restart the server.

Yesterday, in a discussion with a team of RTC users that is currently looking into changing the LDAP system and all their user ID’S, the question about automation came up. I could not resist and looked into an opportunity to have more automation for this task. It turned out to be almost trivial to code up some tool that can help with the effort and allows to

  • Simulate the user ID change, testing the input file and the user ID’s in the first column, but don’t change an ID.
  • Run the user ID change, change the user with the ID provided in the first column to the ID provided in the second column.

Lets look at how that would work.

License and how to get started with the RTC API’S

As always, our lawyers reminded me to state that the code in this post is derived from examples from Jazz.net as well as the RTC SDK. The usage of code from that example source code is governed by this license. Therefore this code is governed by this license, which basically means you can use it for internal usage, but not sell. Please also remember, as stated in the disclaimer, that this code comes with the usual lack of promise or guarantee. Enjoy!

If you just get started with extending Rational Team Concert, or create API based automation, start with the post Learning To Fly: Getting Started with the RTC Java API’s and follow the linked resources.

You should be able to use the following code in this environment and get your own automation or extension working.

To keep it simple this example is, as many others in this blog, based on the Jazz Team Wiki entry on Programmatic Work Item Creation and the Plain Java Client Library Snippets. The example in this blog shows RTC Client and Common API.


The complete Eclipse project with the code is available as download here.

Solution Overview

The code contains two classes.

  1. ChangeUserID is the main class that needs to be called
  2. CSVFileReader is a utility class that helps with reading the input file


Please consider to test this in a test environment and create a backup before you try this on a production repository. In contrast to using the UI there is no protection against changing the ID. You don’t have to enable it and you don’t have to switch the property User Registry Type from LDAP to UNSUPPORTED. If you run the command with an administrative user with parameter true your ID’s will be changed. You can seriously damage your environment if you do something wrong.

How to use the tool

You need to import the sources into Eclipse and provide the plain java client libraries as described in this article, in order to be able to run it. In this case a sample launch comes with the code. Alternatively you can compile the example code and provide the plain Java Client Libraries in the classpath.

Call ChangeUserID.main with parameters repositoryURI AdminUserId AdminPassword InputFileName performModification where performModification is true or false. The input file referenced by InputFileName needs to be a CSV file with at least two columns and ‘,’ as separator. The first column is the current user ID, the second the desired new user ID.

For example call it with these parameters for simulation

"https://clm.example.com:9443/jts" user password "C:\temp\modifyIDs.csv" false

Call it with these parameters to perform the changes

"https://clm.example.com:9443/jts" user password "C:\temp\modifyIDs.csv" true

Please be aware that the context root jts is not a typo. You want to change the users in JTS, which promotes the changes to all the other applications. Please check that the uid’s have been changed in the registered applications after running the tool.

The input file needs to have a compatible format as described above: It needs to be a CSV file with at least two columns and ‘,’ as separator. The first column is the current user ID, the second the desired new user ID. This would be a valid example:


You can have additional columns and the tool will ignore them. The tool also makes sure that the original user ID exists and the new user ID is not empty. White space characters around the user ID’s  will be removed.

If your file is using a different separation character, you can modify the constant below at the beginning of the class ChangeUserID to fit your needs.

private static final String SEPERATOR = ",";

Is there automation to retrieve the user list?

As a starting point, you can run a repotools-jts command against your repository. The following command will provide you with a CSV file containing all the users in the repository:

repotools-jts -exportUsers toFile=userlist.csv repositoryURL=https://:/jts/ adminUserId= adminPassword=

The resulting text file has the right format. All you need to do is to add a new column that contains the new ID’s. I tried this with our Open Office based Symphony spreadsheet editor. The following steps worked for me:

  1. Start Symphony
  2. Select File>Open
  3. Browse for the file and open it
  4. Review the settings and make sure the separator is correct, the default worked for me
  5. Finish the import

Once the file is in the spreadsheet editor, just click on the second column and add a column. You can add the new ID’s and keep the other columns in the file for easier user recognition and editing. You could potentially do the same with a test repository that has imported all the users of the new LDAP system. Maybe using some spreadsheet magic such as sorting helps you to use cut and past to get the new ID’s into the new column.

If you use Symphony you want to make sure to open Tools>Instant Corrections, switch to the Options tab and disable at least the option capitalize fist letter on every sentence if your ID’s start with a lower case letter. The image below shows an example screen shot.

file Edit user table

While editing the file, keep in mind, if you leave out the new user ID, the ID will not be changed. The tool does also not change the ID of the admin that runs the command.

After you are satisfied you can simply save the CSV file with Symphony.

I tried the same procedure with MS Excel and there are some issues.

  • Excel by default wants a TSV file. It wants to use a tab as separator. You can change this if you use the Data>Import option instead of opening the file directly
  • Excel writes the file as Colon Separated Values file using ‘;’ and not tab or a comma. Either fix this behavior or change the SEPARATOR constant in ChangeUserID

The API Code Explained

I am not going to try to explain all the code that is needed to get the data to be able to do the ID change in detail. It is simply trying to open a file, read it line by line, analyze the data and call the interesting API code with it.

The change of the user ID is done in the operation ChangeUserID.changeUserID() shown below. The code is really simple.

 * Find the user ID and change to the new user ID. doUpdate = false does
 * simulation only. In simulation mode: Try to locate the contributor by
 * user Id but do no change.
 * @param teamRepository
 * @param originalID
 * @param newID
 * @param doUpdate
 * @throws TeamRepositoryException
public static void changeUserID(ITeamRepository teamRepository,
		String originalID, String newID, Boolean doUpdate)
		throws TeamRepositoryException {
	System.out.print("Set user: " + originalID + " to " + newID
		+ (doUpdate ? "" : " - Simulation"));
	IContributor user = teamRepository.contributorManager()
		.fetchContributorByUserId(originalID, null);
	IContributor contributorWorkingCopy = (IContributor) user.getWorkingCopy();
	if (doUpdate) {
			contributorWorkingCopy, null);
	System.out.println(" - OK");

The code simply uses the current user ID provided to fetch the contributor. If the contributor can be found it gets a working copy. If not in simulation mode, it sets the new ID and saves the working copy. The operation throws an exception in case the user with the original ID can not be found. This is caught in the calling method and displayed e.g. to be able to fix the input file.

The downloaded code has basic error handling and also works for malformed input files. However, you might want to extend it a bit for general usage. You should definitely consider using a test system to make sure your data is correct and you can use the system after you did the changes.

Well, writing the tool was less than an hour. Commenting and blogging took 4 times as much, so I hope this is useful for the readers and saves some poor guy with a huge user base some time.