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6 thoughts on “Interesting Links

    • I have realized that some links have been discontinued.

      With respect to BIRT, please be aware that BIRT is discouraged in general. It is notorious for crashing the CCM server because it runs on the same app server. Badly written reports can bring the server down. This has been happening. Use JRS reports if possible.

      • Hello,
        Thank you for your reply, I work with Mohammad on the same issue
        In fact we are in need to deploy a specific birt report rptdesign file provided from another authority but we face issue when we upload it on RTC reports reporsitory: the displayed error says that birt can’t find the java libraries used in scripted Data Source.
        previously we went through the above link but unfortunately it got discontinued, it basically contains a step by step guide to do the following:
        1- Create fragment project to plug-in com. ibm. team .rep orts .ser vice .bir t
        2- Create a feature and then a site project to generate an update site
        3- Deploy the update site to the RTC server
        4- Create a BIRT report template that invokes our code from the fragment project
        5- Deploy and run the report on RTC Server
        The problem is that we were not familiar with what we are doing so we needed the steps mentions in above URL 😦
        can you help us with this regard?

      • There is some of the information about how you would typically work with plugin features etc. in the RTC Extensions Workshop. That is all I know. It should be pretty general and apply to the deployment of RTC Server extensions. You can find that in the last labs.

        I have no particular experience with Birt.

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