Issues with the EWM/RTC Extensions workshop in 7.0.x versions

I have seen issues with the RTC Client SDK for the 7.0.x releases recently. The Server SDK seems not to be affected.

Client plug-in development

UPDATE: The issue with the Client SDK has been found and corrected. Just download and use the new Client SDK.

UPDATE: The issue with the server debugging can be solved as explained below.

If you are using the  Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop for the EWM/RTC versions 7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2 and try to start an Eclipse client from the client launch as described in section 1.9 Test the RTC Eclipse client launch, you might run into a problem. I reported the issue in Defect 511733 (use your credentials).

This issue has been solved and you should not see it any longer. Make sure to download the latest Client SDK from

If you need to develop client extensions and run into this problem, check the status of the defect. Worst case, use a SDK to develop your extension. This is absolutely possible if you do not rely on a new client API feature from 7.0.x.

Server debugging

If you are using the  Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop for the EWM/RTC versions 7.0.2, trying to launch the development server in debug mode that allows to attach an Eclipse debugger to that server, the server startup fails. In ‘1.2__15 start the server using server.startup.bat’ after adding the debug configuration, the server does not start. The log folder only contains the files start.log and console.log. The content indicates that the connection to the debug port failed because the port was already in use. When checking the pot usage, the port is not in use. This has not been seen in any version before. See Defect 527867 for work arounds and solutions.

Update: see http://EWM Extensions Workshop remote debugging in 7.0.x for how to deal with this.

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