EWM Extensions Workshop remote debugging in 7.0.x

As explained in Issues with the EWM/RTC Extensions workshop in 7.0.x versions, I experienced issues with configuring the EWM Development server for remote debugging. The first EWM version I experienced this, is 7.0.1.

As mitigation I suggested to replace the JRE with an earlier one, or one that works. Unfortunately, this does not look sustainable. I have tried downloading the newest IBM Java SDK and the issue still happens.

I have looked a little bit deeper into it and discovered that the server.startup script provides a debug option. Using this option allows remote debugging the EWM server. I am looking into an update to the RTC/EWM Extensions Workshop for 7.0.x. until this is available here a procedure how to follow the workshop for 7.0.x versions.

Update for the Extensions Workshop now available

All the issues have been addressed in an update to the RTC Extensions Workshop for the 7.0.x and later versions. This should address all the issues.

Lab 1.2 – Do not add debug arguments.

In Lab 1.2, do not add the following lines to the server.startup script, remove these lines:

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=3388

Scroll to the bottom of the server.startup script and inspect the statements behind setting the JAVA_OPTS. Note that there are an action and an option supported.

Special parameters supported for starting Liberty Profile

Start server for remote debugging

The action -debug can be used to start the Liberty Profile Server in debug mode. When following the workshop, continue to Lab 1.5.

Follow the lab until 1.5__32 Add the following steps:

Open a console/cmd window and change directory into the server folder containing the server.startup script. Stop the development server by running server.shutdown.


Wait until the server is successfully stopped. Start the development server by running the following command.

>server.startup -debug

Note that the server does not start, it suspends listening for a remote connection on a dt_socket/port. The default socket/port address is 8000.

Server waits in debug console

The server will not continue starting unless a remote connection is opened on that port.

Connect Eclipse as remote debugger

Follow the workshop and open the [RTCExt] Debug Running Liberty Profile launch configuration. This launch is used to connect to a remote Java application. In our case the application is the RTS/EWM development server waiting on socket/port 8000.

Change the port in the launch to 8000 then click Apply and Debug.

Change debug port to 8000 apply and start debugging.

Switch to the command prompt. It takes a while and the server continues to start. Wait for the server application to successfully start.

Continue with the workshop and remote debug the server.

When disconnecting from the remote Java application, the RTC development server will show again, that it waits for a remote connection.

Reprovision the Jazz applications

The option -clean can be used to force to re-provision the Jazz Applications installed on the Liberty Profile server. This is necessary to force rereading custom server extensions during deployment of these extensions. The option can also used together with the -debug action.


Following the solution described above, allows to successfully perform the Lab 1.5 of the Rational Team Concert Extensions Workshop. I am currently trying to find out if there

  • Is an option to change the default port for this option
  • Is an option to avoid suspending the server startup until the remote debugger connection is initially done

I will update the workshop and publish the changes. I have already done several other changes to adjust the workshop for the newer EWM/RTC versions.

As always, I hope that the blog posts here help users in the Jazz community.

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