9 thoughts on “Updated RTC Extensions Workshop for RTC 6.0.3

  1. Hi Ralph,
    I just posted on the jazz forum an error I have been having with the RTC 6.x Extensibility workshop. The title is: RTC 6.x Extensibility workshop error Eclipse client launch EclipseStarter.class not found.
    Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Kevin Ingles

    • Kevin, I had several issues with recent SDKs and i did not have as much time as I wanted to test everything. I can’t remember having seen the error you mention.

  2. The workshop instructions do not work for 6.0.6. The step for jetty bases testing – “creating rtc test database” fails. Is it because it needs to find jetty? it is no longer bundled.

    • This works for me. I just tried it again. I can generate the test DB and run it.
      Make sure to check the workspace you are using. The Client workspace will not have any server components.

      • As per usual, I am always the weird one using un-recommended versions.
        Eclipse – eclipse-jee-photon-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz.
        Linux – Centos 7.5 64bit.
        I may try to use Luna 4.4.2 but there are problems with selecting Java 8 compatibility for plain java API work.
        One or two eclipse versions will not start with the 6.0.6 jre. (mars and oxygen iirc)

      • I have used Photon as well for the setup of the Ext, Workshop. This has worked for me.

        I can’t recommend using Photon to work against a production environment. I experienced issues with the work item API in the Eclipse client.

  3. After much head scratching, it turns out that the workshop does work for 6.0.6 under Centos 7.
    Just that creating test database (localhost:7443) takes a very long time in my VM and the tons (and I mean tons) of unhelpful error messages didn’t help.
    I have upped the VM memory and CPU so it now sort of walks (instead of crawls).
    Things to note
    1. update /etc/security/limits.conf to set both soft and hard limits for “nofile” to 65536, and “nproc” to 10000.
    2. Modify file /server/liberty.server, look for WLP_DEBUG_ADDRESS and change value to 3388 or a value of your choice
    3. Modify file /server/liberty/wlp/bin/server, look for line containing “suspend”, change “suspend=y” to “suspend=n” (to be in sync with windows setting)
    4. Start server as “server.startup -debug”. Note that the command does not terminate. Ctrl-C to stop server

    • I will try to add your feedback to the errata. I can’t fix the unnerving error messages. If someone wants to create an enhacement request, go ahead.

      There was feedback from another Linux user about changing the workspace setup script. Once I have it, That is going into the errata as well.

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